Help: Trees
Add New Tree

Click on Continue... to begin creating a new tree. NOTE: You must create a tree before you can enter or import data for individuals, families or sources. If you upgraded from a previous version that did not support trees, your data will be associated with a default tree that has a blank Tree ID. You may edit the other information for this tree, but the Tree ID will remain blank (perfectly OK).

Existing Trees

This section will allow you to edit, delete or clear existing trees. Any trees you have previously created will be listed in this section. Click on the appropriate Action next to the tree you want to export, edit, delete or clear. To remove all data associated with the tree but leave the tree itself, choose "Clear". To remove the tree and all associated data, choose "Delete". To export all data in the tree to a GEDCOM file, choose "Export". The GEDCOM file will be created in the GEDCOM folder and will be named the same as the Tree ID (or "gedcom.ged" if the Tree ID is blank).

If you want to grant one or more users access rights to only part of a tree (a "branch"), you must label the individuals to be included in these branches. This is optional. If no branches are labeled, user rights will apply to the entire assigned tree. To label branches for a tree, start by clicking on the "Label Branches icon for that tree.

Add New / Modify Existing Tree Information

Tree ID: Give your tree a short, unique, one-word identifier. Do not include non-alphanumeric characters (stick to numbers and letters). This information will not appear anywhere except in the address line of your browser, so it can be all lowercase. You will not be able to change this later. 20 character max.

Tree Name: A short display name or phrase to identify this tree. This will appear in all tree selection boxes, and will be the name by which visitors know this tree.

Description: A longer description of this tree or the data it contains.

Owner: The person or organization who created or assembled the data in this tree, or the person or organization responsible for maintaining it.

E-mail: The owner's e-mail address.

Address/City/State/ZIP/Postal Code/Country/Phone: The owner's contact information.

Keep owner information private: Check this box to hide the e-mail address and other contact information for this tree's owner in the public area.

Don't allow users to download GEDCOM files: Check this box to prevent users from creating their own GEDCOM files from this tree.


This option allows you to export all data from a particular tree to a standard GEDCOM file. The file will be available for download in your "GEDCOM" folder (as indicated in the General Settings) and will be given the name of the tree's "Tree ID".

TempleReady: Check this option to create a GEDCOM file consisting only of families and individuals in need of (and eligible for) LDS temple ordinances.

Export media links (photos and histories): Check this option to include information pertaining to all photos and histories linked to individuals, families and sources in the selected tree. This information includes the media file name, description and notes.

Local path for photo/history files: To prepend a common path to each photo or history (ie, "C:\myphotos\" or "..\genealogy\"), enter that path in the appropriate field (be sure to include a trailing slash). If these lines are left blank, the file name and path (within the "photos" or "histories" folder) of each media item will be exported in the GEDCOM's "FILE" tag.


What is a branch? A branch is a set of individuals within a tree with a common label. This label allows TNG to restrict access to these labeled individuals based on user permissions. As of TNG 5.0, an individual in the database may belong to more than one branch. Users may still only be assigned to a single branch at most.

Add New Branch: Before you can add branch labels, you must create at least one branch. Give your branch an ID (short one-word identifier) and a longer description (can be multiple words).

Notes: Be alert that there is a 100 character limit for each individual’s branch labels. For example, if an individual is assigned labels during the labeling process for three separate branches identified as “Lythgoe”, “Donaldson”, and “Hall”, 22 of the 100 characters (lythgoe,donaldson,hall) allocated to that individual for labeling have been used up.

Also: When matching a user's assigned branch to an individual's branch label(s), be aware that non-distinct branch IDs could match larger text strings. In other words, the branch ID "Donald" would match all of the following labels: "Donald", "Donalds", "Donaldson".

Existing Branch Information: After a branch is created, you may use the action buttons to delete it or edit the description, but you may not edit the ID. Click on the Label Branches icon for a branch to apply that branch to individuals in the selected tree.

Label Branches

Action: Choose whether you'll be adding new labels or clearing out existing ones. Also choose whether this action will apply to all members of your tree or just a section. Depending on the options you select, different parts of the screen may disappear.

Starting Individual: If you are only applying your action to some of the people in your database, enter the ID of the individual with whom your branch begins. All partial branches are defined by a starting individual and a number of ancestral or descendant generations from that individual.

Number of Generations: Indicate the number of generations back (Ancestors) or forward (Descendants) from the starting individual that you wish to label. When labeling ancestors, you can also indicate how many descendant generations to label in from each ancestor.

Existing labels: Your selection here determines what to do if any of the people you selected for labeling already have a branch label. You may elect to leave the existing label(s) untouched, you may choose to overwrite what's there, or you can decide to append the new label. If you choose the last option, the affected individual(s) will now belong to multiple branches.

Label Branches: Click this button to apply labels to the selected individuals. Note: You may also apply branch labels one person or family at a time in the People and Families sections of the Admin interface.

Show people with this tree/branch: Click this button to display all individuals who already have the selected branch label within the selected tree. From the display, click the Back button on your browser to return to the previous page, or click on any individual to edit their record.