Help: Users
Add New User

Click on Continue... to begin creating a new user. NOTE: If you do not create any users, your Admin area will be open to anyone unless you password-protect the admin folder. If you create any users at all, the VERY FIRST user you create MUST be an administrator. An administrator is a user with NO tree specified and the first three boxes checked (edit, add and delete). If you do not create an administrator first, you will not be able to get back here!

Existing Users

This section will allow you to edit or delete existing users. Any users you have previously created will be listed in this section. Click on the appropriate Action next to the user you want to edit or delete.

New User Registrations

This section shows new user registration requests that came via the signup form in the public area. These accounts are inactive and have no rights assigned until you review them and save your changes.

New / Existing User Information

Description: Give your user a short description to help you remember who it is. For example, you might enter "Site Administrator" or "Aunt Martha".

Username: A unique one-word identifier for this user (no two users may have the same username). The user will be required to enter the username when logging in. 20 characters max.

Password: A secret word or string of characters (no spaces) that this user must also enter when logging in. When entered by the user in the appropriate field, the actual characters typed will be replaced on the screen by asterisks or some other character for privacy. 20 chars max.

Real Name: The actual name (if applicable) of the user assigned to this information.

Phone, E-mail, Web Site, Address, Notes: Optional information pertaining to the user.

Access Limits

To make this user an administrator and assign rights to all trees, check the option labeled "Allow access to all system settings...". To restrict access to a particular tree and branch, check the option labeled "Restrict access". You will then be asked to select a tree, and this user's rights will be restricted to that tree. IMPORTANT: If you are creating an administrator, you must leave the tree blank so that the administrator will have access to all trees PLUS all system-wide settings and functions. Selecting a tree will deny this user access to any system-wide settings and functions. Since the first user created must be an administrator, you will not be able to select a tree for the first user created. You may also select a branch (optional). If you do select a branch, this user's rights will be restricted to this branch within the selected tree.

Allow to edit existing records: Check this box to give the user rights to edit existing records.

Allow to add new records: Check this box to give the user rights to add new records.

Allow to submit edits for administrative review (People, Families and Sources only): Check this box to give the user rights to submit proposed changes to existing events. These suggestions will remain tentative pending your review. The user will not be allowed into the Admin area unless you also grant them Add or Delete rights.

Allow to delete existing records: Check this box to give the user rights to delete existing records.

Allow to view information for living individuals: Check this box to give the user rights to view information for living individuals in the public area when logged in.

Allow to download GEDCOMs: Check this box to give the user rights to download GEDCOMs in the public area even if GEDCOM downloads are turned off for the tree containing the data being downloaded.

Allow to view LDS information: Check this box to give the user rights to view LDS information in the public area when logged in.