tng_db_connect($database_host,$database_name,$database_username,$database_password) or exit;
tng_adminheader( "Living Update", "" );
Living Update
The following people are alive:
$query = "SELECT personID, birthdate, birthdatetr, deathdate, deathplace, burialdate, burialplace, gedcom, firstname, lastname FROM $people_table";
$result = mysql_query($query) or die ("$text[cannotexecutequery]: $query");
while( $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result))
if( !$row[deathdate] && !$row[deathplace] && !$row[burialdate] && !$row[burialplace] && $row[birthdate] ) {
$birthyear = strtok($row[birthdatetr],"-");
if( date( "Y" ) - $birthyear < 110 ) {
echo "$row[firstname] $row[lastname]
$query = "UPDATE $people_table SET living=\"1\" WHERE personID=\"$row[personID]\" AND gedcom=\"$row[gedcom]\"";
$result2 = mysql_query($query) or die ("$text[cannotexecutequery]: $query");
$query = "UPDATE $families_table SET living=\"1\" WHERE (husband=\"$row[personID]\" OR wife=\"$row[personID]\") AND gedcom=\"$row[gedcom]\"";
$result2 = mysql_query($query) or die ("$text[cannotexecutequery]: $query");
All living individuals have now been flagged.