Express Setup

For Advanced Users

  1. Unzip the file somewhere on your hard drive (you've done this already). Depending on the utility you're using, you may need to select the "folders" option. You should end up with three subfolders (admin, English, samples).

  2. Create a new folder on your web site (called "genealogy" in these instructions; can also be the root folder) and FTP over all files NOT in a subfolder.

  3. Give 666 permissions to the files genlog.txt, config.php, importconfig.php, logconfig.php and pedconfig.php. You can try to accomplish this by calling the TNG script "setpermissions1.php" in your browser (ie, http://yoursite/genealogy/setpermissions1.php). If you don't own the machine where your web site resides, however, this may not work for you. If that is the case, use your FTP program to set the permissions.

  4. Create remote subfolders in "genealogy" called "admin" and "English".

  5. FTP over the contents of the admin and English subfolders into the ones you just created.

  6. Give 666 permissions to the file admin/genlog.txt. If you were successful with setpermissions1.php above, you may try admin/setpermissions2.php here.

  7. If you are not your own site administrator (you're using a hosting provider), you can skip this step. Otherwise, please make sure that your php.ini file contains the following settings: short_open_tag = ON, file_uploads = ON, and error_reporting = 2039 (or any value not including E_NOTICE). If you can find a line referencing the value "LimitRequestBody" then comment it out or delete it, as this will prevent you from uploading files larger than the size indicated on that line (sometimes this value is located in the php.conf file, so look for it there if you don't find it in php.ini). Also, if your PHP installation is on a Windows machine, you must change the session.save_path variable to point to your Windows temporary folder (i.e., C:\Temp). If you make changes to your php.ini file, you must restart your PHP service before the changes take effect.

  8. Open your web browser and go to http://yoursite/genealogy/admin/index.php. From there go to Setup & Configuration and then General Settings and configure your TNG setup. Click on the Help link there for more information about each of the items listed.

  9. Create remote subfolders in the "genealogy" folder on your web site for each of the folders named on the General Settings page (Photos, Histories, Headstones, Backups and GENDEX). They can be named anything you'd like as long as they match the names on the General Settings page. Give all these 777 permissions. You can attempt to create these folders from the General Settings page by clicking on the "Make Folder" buttons for each folder, but if you do not own the hardware where you site resides, you may not be allowed to do this and will have to use your FTP program to create the folders as you did earlier with 'admin' and 'English'.

  10. Also configure the Pedigree Settings if desired (can be done later).

  11. Also configure the Log & Import Settings. Again, please see the Help on each of these pages for more information. Create another subfolder of "genealogy" for the GEDCOM folder listed in the Import Settings and give it 777 permissions as well. If you are planning to import a GEDCOM file that contains links to photos and/or histories, pay special attention to the fields labeled Local Photo and Local History paths.

  12. From the setup page, choose "Create Tables". If you see an error message, your database configuration is incorrect.

  13. Go to the Administration page (See link at the top of the setup page).

  14. Set up a "Tree" for each independent GEDCOM you plan to import or independent data set you plan to maintain.

  15. Set up Users and add permissions to each user profile. The first user you create must be the Administrator (all rights, no tree). If you do not want to add users, you should password-protect the admin folder.

  16. If you plan to use any event types that TNG does not call "Standard", you must set them up here under "Custom Event Types". You can do this first, or you can wait until after your initial GEDCOM import. TNG will catch any non-standard event types but will flag them as "Ignore". You can then make changes and re-import.

  17. If you have a GEDCOM to import, use the Data Import section to import it. If your file is large, you should FTP it to your admin folder before attempting the import. IMPORTANT: If your GEDCOM includes photo or document links, be sure to enter your photo and document base paths in the Import Settings (see the Help on that page) before running your import.

  18. If you plan to enter data manually, use the Administration options to create People and link them together in Families. Also add Sources where applicable.

  19. Under Secondary Processes, create a GENDEX file if desired. Also track your lines of descent.

  20. Use the Admin menu to upload and link additional Photos, Histories and Headstones as needed.

  21. If your GEDCOM included photo and document links, you will also need to upload the actual files manually. Be sure to preserve any existing file structure under your photo and document base paths.

  22. Edit the style sheet genstyle.css to make changes to the overall look and feel. This is not necessary, and can be done later if desired. An alternate style sheet (genstyle2.css) is also included, but you must rename it to genstyle.css to use it instead.

  23. Edit the custom header (topmenu.html), footer (footer.html) and HEAD insert (meta.html) as needed.

  24. Edit your home page (index.php) and other pages as needed.

Note on RSS: To use the RSS newsfeed feature, open your favorite RSS reader and subscribe with this URL: You can make the feed appear in a different language by appending "&lang=yourlanguage", where "yourlanguage" is the name of the language in TNG.

Note on Timelines: Depending on your margins or sidebar width, you may find that the bars on the timeline do not line up correctly with the year markers. If this is the case, please edit the file timeline2.php and adjust the values $lineoffset, $chartwidth, $checkboxcellwidth and $division as needed.