TNG 4.2.1 Update

(From v.4.0.x)

Installation Instructions

  1. Back it up. Just in case, you might want to make a backup of the following configuration files:

    You may also wish to back up your other TNG files and database tables.

  2. Get the files. Extract all files to a temporary location on your hard drive. Some files should extract into subfolders called 'admin' and 'English'.

  3. Admin files. Copy all files in the admin folder to the admin folder on your web site (overwrite files with same names).

  4. Display messages. Copy the files in the English folder to the English folder on your web site (overwrite files with same names). NOTE: If you support other languages, you will want to get updated versions of those files as well.

  5. Database structure changes. In your browser run the script "dbupdate40x.php", which should now be in your admin folder. For example, I would run Alternately, you can copy this readme file to your admin folder, load this file from there in your browser, then click this link: dbupdate40x.php. This will open a new window and make a few database structure changes. You will see a short list of messages detailing what is being done, as well as a message when the script has finished. Your data should not be affected.

  6. New Settings. As of 4.1.0, you have the ability to declare a default "Name Order" in the General Settings. That means you can indicate if names should be displayed first name first or surname first. If you do not indicate a preference, names will be displayed first name first. Despite what you choose, however, you can still indicate name order on a person-by-person basis on the Edit Person page.

    Also in 4.1.0 you can indicate a character set for each language you are supporting. The default language character set can be entered in the General Settings. If you do not enter a character set for a language, the browser's default character set will be used (as it has been in the past). For more information here, please see the Help file for the General Settings.

    And one more thing as of 4.1.0: you will have a new file in your admin folder called "adminmeta.php". If you have code that you want to include on every Admin page, you can put it here.

  7. Admin Log. Due to problems with the Admin Log File, it is now recommended that you go to the Admin/Log Settings and make sure you have "genlog.txt" (no quotes) in the field labeled "Log File Name (Admin)". If not, please enter that value and save the page.

  8. Public files. Copy all files in the temporary location (see step 2 above) to the main TNG folder on your web site (overwrite files with same names). IMPORTANT: This update should not contain a copy of config.php, pedconfig.php, importconfig.php or logconfig.php. Make sure you do not copy any of those files to your TNG folder or you will lose your settings! Also: The default home page is now called index.php, and a copy of that file is included in this update. If you already have a file in your genealogy folder called index.php, it is seriously recommended that you reconcile the two pages instead of copying this new index.php to your site. If your home page was index.htm or index.html, it is recommended that you rename your existing home page to index.php and incorporate the changes into your existing home page. If you were running TNG as a Nuke module, you already have a file called index.php, and you will need to copy your Nuke-specific material from your old index.php to this new index.php, or incorporate the changes into your existing index.php. to this version.

  9. The update should be complete.