New TNG Tab Color

Enter the tab color in hex RGB format (for example, #FF0000) in the box below, or click the palette icon to select.

To make the tab colors match the colors used on your TNG web site:

  1. Edit your genstyle.css file (in your main TNG folder).
  2. Find the "fieldnameback" section and the "background-color" within that section.
  3. Copy the 6-character string between the "#" and the ";" and paste it in the field below. The tab displayed will be your "active" tab.
  4. Next, find the "databack" section in genstyle.css, and again notice the "background-color" within that section.
  5. Copy the 6-character string between the "#" and the ";" and paste it in the field below. The tab displayed will be your "inactive" tab.
Color (in hex RGB format): Active tab Inactive tab

If you choose "Save new tab", the tab will be saved in your "photos" folder. You must use an FTP program or a web-based file manager to move the file (tngtab.png or tngtabactive.png) to your main TNG folder.

If you choose "Display new tab, right-click the image and save it as "tngtabactive.png" (active tab) or "tngtab.png" (inactive tab) in your main TNG folder.

If no image appears, you may not have the GD image library installed on your server. Try this link instead: