World Wide Web Access Statistics for

Last updated: Tue, 01 Jul 2014 04:32:16 (GMT -0600)

Totals for Summary Period: Dec 31 1969 to Jul 1 2014

Requests Received During Summary Period            4916
Bytes Transmitted During Summary Period       249125712
Average Requests Received Daily                     154
Average Bytes Transmitted Daily                 7785178

Total Transfers by Request Date

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Date
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------
 0.04  0.18       455224        2 | Dec 31 1969
 3.48 15.46     38510120      171 | Jun  1 2014
 5.80 20.59     51297526      285 | Jun  2 2014
 7.02 23.77     59219420      345 | Jun  3 2014
 5.80 12.15     30276848      285 | Jun  4 2014
 3.07  4.54     11317366      151 | Jun  5 2014
 4.37  6.55     16330090      215 | Jun  6 2014
 2.40  0.68      1697505      118 | Jun  7 2014
 2.50  0.84      2086075      123 | Jun  8 2014
 2.87  1.13      2816378      141 | Jun  9 2014
 2.81  1.14      2847911      138 | Jun 10 2014
 2.42  4.02     10017182      119 | Jun 11 2014
 2.56  1.68      4186029      126 | Jun 12 2014
 2.05  1.28      3198641      101 | Jun 13 2014
 6.37  0.24       603233      313 | Jun 14 2014
 1.83  0.28       692473       90 | Jun 15 2014
 3.58  0.33       813788      176 | Jun 16 2014
 2.30  0.40       991209      113 | Jun 17 2014
 3.50  0.51      1258516      172 | Jun 18 2014
 2.01  0.22       560074       99 | Jun 19 2014
 2.97  0.35       872445      146 | Jun 20 2014
 2.62  0.27       675750      129 | Jun 21 2014
 3.66  0.52      1287525      180 | Jun 22 2014
 3.34  0.86      2144662      164 | Jun 23 2014
 3.25  0.23       561422      160 | Jun 24 2014
 2.42  0.34       842257      119 | Jun 25 2014
 2.79  0.25       614754      137 | Jun 26 2014
 2.34  0.22       549506      115 | Jun 27 2014
 2.60  0.17       412367      128 | Jun 28 2014
 2.95  0.26       637668      145 | Jun 29 2014
 3.95  0.53      1328535      194 | Jun 30 2014
 0.33  0.01        23213       16 | Jul  1 2014

Total Transfers by Request Hour

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Time
----- ----- ------------ -------- |-----
 2.87  3.77      9386493      141 |  00
 2.87  3.05      7588382      141 |  01
 4.25  2.69      6710560      209 |  02
 2.85  7.14     17790804      140 |  03
 6.08  5.97     14866858      299 |  04
 4.31  3.17      7895914      212 |  05
 3.56  2.96      7366784      175 |  06
 6.65  5.81     14483182      327 |  07
 8.75  3.96      9874822      430 |  08
 4.43  3.53      8803838      218 |  09
 4.70  9.27     23100092      231 |  10
 3.38  3.49      8691857      166 |  11
 3.66  3.42      8512343      180 |  12
 3.15  3.29      8185051      155 |  13
 3.23  4.42     11021947      159 |  14
 3.44  4.66     11611292      169 |  15
 5.49  5.79     14412313      270 |  16
 4.96  4.35     10847369      244 |  17
 6.43  2.94      7323852      316 |  18
 2.95  2.41      6004911      145 |  19
 3.05  3.70      9219483      150 |  20
 2.73  3.66      9114387      134 |  21
 3.40  3.69      9203605      167 |  22
 2.81  2.85      7109573      138 |  23

Total Transfers by Client Domain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Domain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
 0.94  0.11       280246       46 | be    Belgium
 0.43  0.11       275532       21 | br    Brazil
 0.14  0.69      1706533        7 | ca    Canada
 0.47  2.36      5885259       23 | ci    Cote D'Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
 0.71  0.05       113135       35 | cn    China
 0.06  0.01        26946        3 | co    Colombia
 0.04  0.00          800        2 | cz    Czech Republic
 5.88  2.30      5742062      289 | de    Germany
 0.04  0.18       455224        2 | es    Spain
 1.93  0.18       451771       95 | eu    
 0.04  0.02        40820        2 | fr    France
 0.04  0.00         2043        2 | gt    Guatemala
 0.14  0.04        92675        7 | hu    Hungary
 0.18  2.29      5709870        9 | id    Indonesia
 0.10  0.03        75956        5 | in    India
 0.20  0.01        18703       10 | io    British Indian Ocean Territory
 0.94  0.11       283355       46 | it    Italy
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | lt    Lithuania
 0.04  0.07       164226        2 | mx    Mexico
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 | ni    Nicaragua
 0.98  0.03        79989       48 | nl    Netherlands
 0.08  0.00         3885        4 | no    Norway
 0.04  0.00         2019        2 | pk    Pakistan
 0.10  0.68      1691087        5 | pl    Poland
 0.06  0.02        55916        3 | pt    Portugal
 0.04  0.00         3022        2 | ro    Romania
 0.63  0.66      1653242       31 | ru    Russian Federation
 0.08  0.00         4246        4 | sc    Seychelles
 0.14  0.05       120033        7 | tr    Turkey
 0.08  0.04        94349        4 | ua    Ukraine
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | us    United States
 0.18  0.00         6009        9 | ws    Samoa
47.42 10.51     26191800     2331 | com   Commercial
 0.06  0.07       166390        3 | edu   Educational
14.46 61.95    154322863      711 | net   Network
 0.08  0.01        23217        4 | org   Non-Profit Organization
 0.04  0.05       112565        2 | arpa  Old style Arpanet
 0.06  0.00         1979        3 | info  
 0.16  0.68      1688987        8 | user-219 
22.90 16.66     41494093     1126 | unresolved 

Total Transfers by Reversed Subdomain

%Reqs %Byte  Bytes Sent  Requests   Reversed Subdomain
----- ----- ------------ -------- |------------------------------------
22.90 16.66     41494093     1126 | Unresolved
 0.04  0.05       112565        2 | arpa.celebrian
 0.83  0.07       172717       41 | be.belgacom.isp.adsl-dyn.226-179-91
 0.10  0.04       107529        5 | be.didici
 0.06  0.02        55916        3 |
 0.06  0.01        26946        3 |
 0.06  0.02        55916        3 |
 0.04  0.01        26290        2 |
 0.02  0.00          656        1 |
 0.06  0.01        26946        3 |
 0.06  0.02        55916        3 |
 0.06  0.01        26946        3 |
 0.02  0.03        72767        1 | ca.bell.dsl
 0.12  0.66      1633766        6 | ca.dsl4u.addr.static.63.250.109
 0.47  2.36      5885259       23 | ci.aviso.4.49.189
 0.02  0.00          612        1 |
 0.02  0.00          612        1 |
 0.02  0.00          612        1 |
 0.02  0.00          612        1 |
 0.02  0.00          612        1 |
 0.02  0.00          783        1 |
 0.02  0.00          612        1 |
 0.02  0.00          612        1 |
 0.02  0.00          783        1 |
 0.02  0.04        89433        1 |
 0.47  0.01        13524       23 |
 0.04  0.00         4328        2 |
 0.06  0.01        26946        3 |
 0.02  0.00          400        1 | com.161rum
 0.06  0.02        55916        3 | com.allsourceit
 0.28  0.01        23510       14 | com.amazonaws.compute-1
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 |
 0.06  0.00         6492        3 |
 0.02  0.00          588        1 |
 0.02  0.00          200        1 | com.anlai
26.51  1.21      3005111     1303 |
 0.08  0.00         4000        4 |
 0.02  0.65      1630408        1 | com.btcentralplus.range86-182
 0.02  0.04        89433        1 | com.champday
 0.08  0.00         3116        4 |
 0.02  0.03        82052        1 |
 0.08  0.00         3116        4 |
 0.02  0.03        82052        1 |
 0.16  0.04       104464        8 | com.colocrossing
 0.24  0.00         9937       12 | com.excededesign
 0.04  0.01        26116        2 | com.findresponsenow
 0.02  0.04       106630        1 | com.genialclever
 0.06  0.00         5107        3 |
 1.48  0.05       119119       73 | com.googlebot
 0.04  0.00         4328        2 | com.googleusercontent.bc.107.178.208
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.107.178.210
 0.04  0.00         4328        2 | com.googleusercontent.bc.107.178.211
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.107.178.212
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.107.178.213
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.107.178.215
 0.04  0.00         4328        2 | com.googleusercontent.bc.107.178.220
 0.04  0.00         4328        2 | com.googleusercontent.bc.107.178.222
 0.04  0.00         4328        2 | com.googleusercontent.bc.107.178.223
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.130.211.130
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.130.211.135
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.130.211.144
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.130.211.146
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.130.211.154
 0.04  0.00         4328        2 | com.googleusercontent.bc.130.211.173
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.130.211.177
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.130.211.179
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.162.222.178
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.162.222.182
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.googleusercontent.bc.173.255.112
 0.04  0.00         4328        2 | com.googleusercontent.bc.23.251.158
 0.02  0.00          612        1 | com.hichina
 0.02  0.00          858        1 | com.infotekusa
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 |
 0.02  0.00          858        1 |
 0.02  0.00          200        1 | com.keynote
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.kimsufi
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.king-servers
 0.83  0.03        62984       41 | com.leaseweb
 0.08  0.00         2448        4 | com.linode.members
 0.08  0.00         4222        4 | com.meanpathbot
 0.45  0.94      2344371       22 | com.mobiflock
 6.18  1.24      3100265      304 |
 0.02  0.03        72840        1 | com.myvzw.sub-70-194-207
 0.02  0.03        82052        1 | com.myvzw.sub-70-197-193
 0.08  0.02        52232        4 | com.offshorededi
 0.08  0.11       268059        4 | com.picsearch
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.probethenet
 0.02  0.00          858        1 | com.px05
 0.04  0.18       455224        2 | com.quadranet.static.110.91.12
 0.02  0.65      1630408        1 | com.quadranet.static.115.91.44
 0.04  0.01        26116        2 | com.quadranet.static.134.91.12
 0.02  0.04        89433        1 | com.quadranet.static.204.112.55
 0.02  0.00          612        1 | com.quadranet.static.206.71.12
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | com.quadranet.static.68.113.55
 0.02  0.00          858        1 | com.quadranet.static.79.64.12
 0.02  0.03        72840        1 |
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 |
 0.02  0.01        16402        1 |
 0.04  0.07       164165        2 |
 0.04  0.04        90358        2 | com.rr.res.rgv
 0.02  0.03        82052        1 | com.rr.res.rochester
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 | com.rr.res.stx
 0.02  0.03        82052        1 | com.rr.res.tx
 0.02  0.00          783        1 | com.scalabledns.rdns.134-80-192
 0.02  0.00          612        1 | com.scalabledns.rdns.69-183-107
 0.02  0.00          858        1 | com.scopehosts
 0.02  0.00          612        1 | com.securityspace
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 | com.sentinet
 0.33  0.00         9932       16 | com.shaperetrieve
 0.10  0.02        42628        5 | com.softlayer.reverse.130-static.100.58
 0.12  0.05       122709        6 | com.softlayer.reverse.131-static.100.58
 0.12  0.01        14509        6 | com.softlayer.reverse.133-static.100.58
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | com.softlayer.reverse.138-static.100.58
 0.20  0.02        41417       10 | com.softlayer.reverse.139-static.100.58
 0.10  0.07       172605        5 | com.softlayer.reverse.140-static.100.58
 0.14  0.03        77158        7 | com.softlayer.reverse.146-static.100.58
 0.14  0.05       120294        7 | com.softlayer.reverse.147-static.100.58
 0.10  0.02        38916        5 | com.softlayer.reverse.149-static.100.58
 0.10  0.04        94567        5 | com.softlayer.reverse.153-static.100.58
 0.18  0.07       182261        9 | com.softlayer.reverse.158-static.100.58
 0.18  0.03        68792        9 | com.softlayer.reverse.163-static.100.58
 0.16  0.02        41756        8 | com.softlayer.reverse.166-static.100.58
 0.10  0.00        12271        5 | com.softlayer.reverse.170-static.100.58
 0.14  0.03        68380        7 | com.softlayer.reverse.171-static.100.58
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | com.softlayer.reverse.172-static.100.58
 0.16  0.08       204395        8 | com.softlayer.reverse.173-static.100.58
 0.18  0.02        53474        9 | com.softlayer.reverse.176-static.100.58
 0.04  0.00         1391        2 | com.softlayer.reverse.177-static.100.58
 0.28  0.02        58953       14 | com.softlayer.reverse.179-static.100.58
 0.16  0.07       174792        8 | com.softlayer.reverse.181-static.100.58
 0.12  0.01        34993        6 | com.softlayer.reverse.183-static.100.58
 0.08  0.00         9272        4 | com.softlayer.reverse.188-static.100.58
 0.18  0.03        86125        9 | com.softlayer.reverse.189-static.100.58
 0.06  0.00         3357        3 | com.softlayer.reverse.190-static.100.58
 0.14  0.03        64695        7 | com.softlayer.reverse.226-static.100.58
 0.14  0.09       217641        7 | com.softlayer.reverse.227-static.100.58
 0.31  0.05       130660       15 | com.softlayer.reverse.230-static.100.58
 0.06  0.01        15656        3 | com.softlayer.reverse.231-static.100.58
 0.24  0.03        75408       12 | com.softlayer.reverse.236-static.100.58
 0.22  0.12       306172       11 | com.softlayer.reverse.238-static.100.58
 0.02  0.00         1431        1 | com.softlayer.reverse.26-static.207.193
 0.14  0.08       197273        7 | com.softlayer.reverse.66-static.100.58
 0.14  0.03        68304        7 | com.softlayer.reverse.67-static.100.58
 0.08  0.01        16774        4 | com.softlayer.reverse.70-static.100.58
 0.12  0.04        91982        6 | com.softlayer.reverse.77-static.100.58
 0.12  0.01        20593        6 | com.softlayer.reverse.80-static.100.58
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | com.softlayer.reverse.81-static.100.58
 0.33  0.02        39869       16 | com.softlayer.reverse.82-static.100.58
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | com.softlayer.reverse.84-static.100.58
 0.04  0.00         2776        2 | com.softlayer.reverse.85-static.225.43
 0.06  0.01        18759        3 | com.softlayer.reverse.87-static.100.58
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | com.softlayer.reverse.91-static.100.58
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | com.softlayer.reverse.92-static.100.58
 0.14  0.04       110527        7 | com.softlayer.reverse.93-static.100.58
 0.16  2.88      7186648        8 | com.softlayer.reverse.94-static.100.58
 0.02  0.04        89433        1 | com.solidseodedicated
 0.02  0.01        32594        1 | com.teksavvy.cable
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.theplanet.static.344a.f5
 0.04  0.00         4328        2 | com.turkrdns
 0.02  0.00          612        1 | com.tutoringclub
 0.02  0.04        89433        1 | com.ubiquityservers.rdns.12.155.62
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | com.ultratechhost
 0.18  0.00         6534        9 | com.unit-is.dc
 0.02  0.00         1398        1 | com.up2dwn
 0.04  0.18       455224        2 | com.usa-idc.57.80.81
 0.06  0.02        49206        3 | com.usaa
 0.02  0.03        82052        1 | com.voxility.reserved.229.173.221
 0.04  0.00         4328        2 | com.webazilla
 0.04  0.18       455224        2 | com.webcare360
 0.06  0.00         5111        3 | com.webmeup
 0.28  0.01        13360       14 | com.wowrack
 0.10  0.00        10820        5 |
 0.04  0.00         2811        2 |
 1.83  0.08       199011       90 |
 0.04  0.00          800        2 | cz.ignum.core
 0.33  0.01        15489       16 | de.cued
 0.04  0.05       113281        2 |
 0.83  0.07       168991       41 | de.superkabel
 0.35  0.11       267064       17 | de.t-ipconnect.dip0
 0.04  0.00         4328        2 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.06  0.00         1836        3 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.10  0.00         5317        5 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.08  0.00         2448        4 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.14  0.01        36680        7 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | de.your-server.clients.188-40-70-144
 0.06  0.00         2034        3 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.02  0.00          858        1 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.83  0.03        62984       41 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.53  0.26       641027       26 | de.your-server.clients.
 0.04  0.03        78931        2 | de.your-server.clients.
 2.07  0.07       167751      102 | de.your-server.clients.78-46-172-174
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | de.your-server.clients.88-198-110-130
 0.31  1.67      4168715       15 | de.your-server.clients.88-198-16-153
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 | edu.oregonstate.resnet
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 | edu.ucsb.math
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | edu.washington.cs
 0.04  0.18       455224        2 | es.gigabell
 0.04  0.00         3699        2 | eu.hdintern
 0.02  0.00          200        1 | eu.ip-188-165-252
 0.02  0.00          612        1 | eu.ip-37-187-32
 0.02  0.04        89433        1 | eu.ip-37-187-84
 0.02  0.04        89433        1 | eu.ip-92-222-16
 0.85  0.07       173496       42 | eu.poneytelecom
 0.96  0.04        94898       47 | eu.poneytelecom.rev
 0.04  0.02        40820        2 | fr.bbox.abo.axione
 0.04  0.00         2043        2 |
 0.14  0.04        92675        7 | hu.broadband.catv
 0.18  2.29      5709870        9 |
 0.08  0.00         3116        4 |
 0.02  0.03        72840        1 |
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | info.ramserv
 0.04  0.00         1391        2 | info.unixbsd
 0.20  0.01        18703       10 | io.shodan
 0.85  0.09       226827       42 | it.sigqu
 0.02  0.00          612        1 |
 0.06  0.02        55916        3 | it.telecomitalia.retail.42-79-r
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | lt.fastlink
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 |
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 |
 0.10  0.00         3262        5 | net.above.available.30.124.177
 0.04  0.18       455224        2 | net.as15003.rdns.101.67.82
 0.02  0.04        89433        1 | net.as15003.rdns.110.94.83
 0.02  0.65      1630408        1 | net.as15003.rdns.137.176.19
 0.02  0.65      1630408        1 | net.as15003.rdns.167.176.19
 0.04  0.18       455224        2 | net.as15003.rdns.195.67.82
 0.18  0.00         4058        9 | net.as15003.rdns.226.179.81
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | net.as15003.rdns.248.106.91
 0.04  0.01        26116        2 | net.as15003.rdns.65.67.82
 1.83  0.02        55080       90 | net.as35174
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 | net.bbtec
 0.02  0.00          200        1 | net.cantv.dsl.dyn
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 | net.clearwire-wmx.msp
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 | net.clearwire-wmx.sfo
 0.02  0.03        82052        1 | net.clearwire-wmx.war
 1.38  0.02        41616       68 | net.clusterspan
 0.12  0.02        44524        6 |
 0.02  0.03        82052        1 |
 0.12  0.17       420605        6 |
 0.04  0.07       164165        2 |
 0.04  0.04        98515        2 |
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 |
 0.06  0.03        84132        3 |
 0.08  0.04        91995        4 | net.comcastbusiness.hfc
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 |
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 |
 0.04  0.07       164226        2 | net.cox.oc.oc
 0.02  0.03        82052        1 |
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | net.ecatel
 0.06  0.00         6492        3 | net.format-tv.242.241.202
 0.02  0.03        72840        1 |
 0.02  0.03        82052        1 | net.frontiernet.or.myck.dr01
 0.24  0.12       306171       12 | net.hidehost
 0.02  0.00          612        1 | net.i3d
 0.02  0.00         2164        1 | net.ip-192-99-9
 0.02  0.00          783        1 | net.kyivstar
 0.04  0.00         1641        2 | net.kyivstar.broadband
 0.02  0.00          779        1 | net.leartes
 0.04  0.00         1224        2 | net.msn.ntwk.co2-6nf-srch-2b
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 | net.mtsallstream.dynamic
 0.02  0.03        82113        1 | net.mycingular
 0.02  0.00          588        1 | net.neohost
 0.98  0.01        30712       48 | net.nexg.211-232-125-165
 6.90 56.44    140615166      339 | net.nikopol.220-pool
 0.02  0.03        72767        1 | net.northland
 0.08  1.31      3262856        4 | net.opera-mini
 0.10  0.16       391946        5 | net.optonline.dyn
 0.04  0.00         1224        2 |
 0.06  0.01        26946        3 | net.pldt.129.13.204
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