=== SiteOrigin CSS === Tags: css, design, edit, customize Requires at least: 3.9 Tested up to: 4.3.1 Stable tag: 1.0.2 License: GPLv2 or later Contributors: gpriday == Description == [vimeo https://vimeo.com/129660380] SiteOrigin CSS is the simple, yet powerful CSS editor for WordPress. It gives you visual controls that let you edit the look and feel of your site in real-time. We've created a site editing experience that will suit both beginners and advanced users alike. Beginners will love the simple visual controls and real-time preview. Advanced users will love the code autocompletion that makes writing CSS faster than ever. = Inspector = The hardest part of editing your site's design using CSS is usually finding the correct selector to use. The powerful inspector that comes with SiteOrigin CSS makes this easy. While viewing a full preview of your site, just click on an element and it'll help you identify the best selector to use to target that element. The Inspector will help you even if you have no idea what a CSS selector is. = Visual Editor = Don't like playing around with code? No problem. SiteOrigin CSS has a set of simple controls that make it easy to choose colors, styles and measurements. Combined with the Inspector, you'll be able to make changes in just a few clicks. = CSS Editor = SiteOrigin CSS has a powerful CSS editor, the likes of which you'd usually only expect from high-end IDEs. It has autocompletion for both CSS selectors and attributes. It also features very useful CSS linting that'll help you identify issues in your code before you publish your changes. = It's Free = We're committed to keeping SiteOrigin CSS, free. You can install it on as many sites as you like without ever worrying about licensing. All future updates and upgrades will be free, and we even offer free support over on our friendly support forums. = Works With Any Theme = There's an ever-growing collection of awesome WordPress themes, and now with SiteOrigin CSS you can edit every single one of them to your heart's content. No matter what theme you're using, SiteOrigin CSS will work perfectly. = Actively Developed = We're actively developing SiteOrigin CSS. Keep track of what's happening over on [GitHub](https://github.com/siteorigin/so-css/). == Installation == 1. Upload and install SiteOrigin CSS in the same way you'd install any other plugin. 2. Read the [usage documentation](http://siteorigin.com/css/getting-started/) on SiteOrigin. == Screenshots == 1. Inspector for finding elements on your site. 2. Simple visual controls including a background image uploader. 3. A full CSS editor that works in real-time with a preview of your site. 4. Code completion for all your theme's selectors. == Documentation == [Documentation](https://siteorigin.com/css/getting-started/) is available on SiteOrigin. == Support == We offer free support on the [SiteOrigin support forums](https://siteorigin.com/thread/). == Changelog == = 1.0.3 - 29 October 2015= * Changed video image * Adjust revision times by GMT offset. * Don't overwrite media queries sub styles, rather just append them. = 1.0.2 = * Dequeue functionality that conflicted with WordPress color picker, if it's enqueued. * Removed wp_styles for compatibility with older versions of WordPress = 1.0.1 = * Fixed conflicts with CSS editor in SiteOrigin themes. * Force dequeue scripts that cause problems with main editing interface. * Made it easier to follow links with inspector enabled. = 1.0 = * Initial release.