** Casper ** A Ghost-like WordPress theme Casper (for WordPress) is a simple yet beautiful theme for bloggers. Inspired by the Ghost blogging platform, Casper is a WordPress port of the default theme by the same name. The goal of this project is to emulate the gorgeous theme while taking advantage of features exclusive to the WordPress framework. There are plenty of customization options included, accessible through the WordPress Customizer. Already included are hooks to serve responsive images appropriately and media queries to provide a fast and seamless experience from desktop to mobile. # Usage Download the zip package of the theme and install either automatically through the WordPress Dashboard > Appearance tab, or by uploading the casper-wp folder to your WordPress/wp-content/themes directory. # Using Grunt to build the package A gruntfile.js is included. `cd` into the theme directory and run `npm install` to install Grunt and all dependencies locally. Run `grunt` to build or `grunt watch` to continuously build. # Tasks Compile src/css/style.less and other LESS and CSS files in src/css/ Any CSS is combed, linted, prefixed, then compiled with css/style.css css/style.css is minified into style.css Images in src/img/ are compressed and copied to img Theme JavaScript and other js files in src/js/ are linted, minified, and combined into js/main.js Getting Involved Want to report a bug, request a feature, or help me build this project? The more the merrier! Many thanks to the Ghost & WordPress teams, as well as the Underscores _s contributers, and kvendrik. Built using all of the above. # License Casper Logo is Public Domain responsive-img.js is open source Underscores _s is licensed under GPLv2 or later Font Awesome is fully open source and is GPL compatible PHP 4 and PHP 5 are distributed under the PHP License v3.01, copyright (c) the PHP Group Casper WordPress Theme, Copyright 2014 LacyMorrow.com Casper is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL