=== changelog === = (10/3/2015) - 1.3.15 = * Make default calendar widget responsive * Fix mobile spacing issue between content and footer when no sidebar is set * Adjust margin below comment form textarea in anticipation of WordPress 4.4 = (9/20/2015) - 1.3.14 = * Improve CSS dealing with mobile search icon * Compress add-on icons to reduce file size * Removed disable mobile functions from core theme. Use "Generate Disable Mobile" plugin. * Russian translation updated = (9/10/2015) - 1.3.13 = * Adjust main title line height on mobile * Improve navigation search when navigation is in a sidebar * Fix double search icon on mobile when menu is opened = (9/4/2015) - 1.3.12 = * Fix subscription toggle link in bbPress * Fix bug in Dutch translation * generatepress.pot updated (translations will have to be updated) * Update changelog formatting * Enqueue jQuery in case it isn't already added * Navigation search added to menu toggle on mobile * Fix caption alignment * Reduce filesize of screenshot * Reduce filesize of container width and typography range slider * Reduce main title font size on mobile = (8/23/2015) - 1.3.11 = * Remove unnecessary file = (8/23/2015) - 1.3.10 = * Fix mobile menu text hover color * Update some text strings = (8/15/2015) - 1.3.09 = * Add jump to anchor when using read more tag * Mobile menu toggle changed from
