== Changelog == = Theme Name: Imprint = * Version 1.2.9 (April/23/2015) ******************************************** 1. Added imprint.pot translation file 2. Fixed bug for translation domain 3. Added theme translation domain in style.css 4. Filter custom CSS output * Version 1.2.8 (November/13/2014) ******************************************** 1. Modified trackback html code in comments 2. Added placeholder to searchform.php 3. Added translation strings in searchform.php 4. Added new featured image (manhattan.jpg) 5. Modified screenshot (with manhattan.jpg) 6. Modified CSS bug - Added line height for archive title * Version 1.2.7 (September/5/2014) ******************************************** 1. Added Danish (Denmark) Translations da_DK * Version 1.2.6 (August/18/2014) ******************************************** 1. Fixed bug raised in last update (options-styler.php) * Version 1.2.5 (August/17/2014) ******************************************** 1. Carousel can now be displayed according to page/post/homepage/everwhere/both options 2. Fixed (line-height) bug in mudthemes-panel.css * Version 1.2.4 (July/18/2014) ******************************************** 1. Removed unwanted commented text from custom.js, mudresponsive-nav.js, mudpanel.js and responsive.css 2. Added more stylers to padding and border * Version 1.2.3 (July/8/2014) ******************************************** 1. Added bitbucket option 2. Regenerated core options array ($imprint_options) * Version 1.2.2 (June/27/2014) ******************************************** 1. Modified seller store name to accurate version (footer.php) 2. Added more translations to fr_FR 3. Added more translations to it_IT 4. Modified option disable_featured_boxes (default) 5. Reverted screenshot to older version * Version 1.2.1 (June/19/2014) ******************************************** 1. Updated translation files (default and fr_FR) 2. Added Italian translation files (it_IT) * Version 1.2 (June/15/2014) ******************************************** 1. Updated font-awesome icons to 4.1.0 2. font-awesome icons are now enqueued permanently 3. Added shortcodes.css 4. Upgraded mudpanel (CSS/JS) to Pro version 1.1 5. Upgraded options framework to Pro version 1.1 6. Screenshot changed * Version 1.1.3 (June/02/2014) ******************************************** 1. Added instagram, dribbble, stackoverflow, github social icons. * Version 1.1.2 (May/28/2014) ******************************************** 1. Removed sidebar-left.php 2. Removed sidebar-right.php * Version 1.1.1 (May/22/2014) ******************************************** 1. Fixed javascript issues. 2. Fixed responsive menu issues. * Version 1.1.0 (May/5/2014) ******************************************** 1. New development branch (1.1-branch) 2. Now template files reference single sidebar.php file * Version 1.0.10 (May/2/2014) ******************************************** 1. Created environment for next major update 2. Now theme uses a default featured image 3. Procedure to merge sidebar-left.php and sidebar-right.php started 4. Updated Screenshot (B n W) * Version 1.0.9 (April/27/2014) ******************************************** 1. Added PHPDOC to social icon module * Version 1.0.8 (April/24/2014) ******************************************** 1. Made post thumbnails hidden for password protected posts & attachments. 2. Now site title is wptexturize() before display. * Version 1.0.7 (April/21/2014) ******************************************** 1. In-compliance with sane defaults requirement.(WP version 3.9) 2. Updated Screenshot * Version 1.0.6 (April/15/2014) ******************************************** 1. Added more translation strings 2. Recreated default.po/.mo 3. Modified Screenshot (colored/thin box) * Version 1.0.5 (April/11/2014) ******************************************** 1. Added French translation files (.po, .mo) 2. Changed theme description * Version 1.0.4 (April/7/2014) ******************************************** 1. Fixed esc_url for social links 2. Fixed responsive menu issue * Version 1.0.3 (April/3/2014) ******************************************** 1. Modified option-styler.php to use isset() 2. Now theme has 2 header images (bw leaves + imprint default) 3. Updated Screenshot to a colored version * Version 1.0.2 (March/31/2014) ******************************************** 1. Modified Featured Image (BW leaves) 2. Modified Screenshot (boxed - BW) 3. Files modified - screenshot.png, header.png, header-thumbnail.png * Version 1.0.1 (March/19/2014) ******************************************** 1. Created Readme.md and Changelog.md 2. double entry deleted & modified from header.php 3. Respond.js enqueued from development to production * Version 1.0.0 (Feb/19/2014) ******************************************** 1. Imprint Theme created on Feb/19/2014