3.0.0 * Added option to load blue demo page styling * Added new recommended plugin for extra functionality * Added option to show 3 or 4 items in row for service widget * Fixed page builder compatiblity issues with styling options * Improved blog widget * Improved slider widget loading speed * Removed unnecessary files 2.1.8 * Added support for 3th header navigation level 2.1.7 * Added support for current post parrent highlight in header navigation * Fixed compatiblity issues with bbpress plugin 2.1.6 * Fixed testimonial widget issue 2.1.5 * Fixed search page issue with blog widget option 2.1.4 * Updated Font Awesome icons to the 4.4.0 version 2.1.3 * Fixed comments date not showing up issue * Fixed comments edit button issue * Changed "Maskitto Light Option > Footer text" editor to textarea, due to some user issues 2.1.2 * Fixed some other Jetpack compatibility issues 2.1.1 * Added some new translations * Fixed few language string issues * Fixed some Jetpack compatibility issues * Improved no-JS message 2.1.0 * Added Behance social icon option in the theme options * Added Tumblr social icon option in the theme options * Fixed services widget title and subtitle issues * Fixed translation related issues 2.0.9 * Added link brakes to portfolio caption * Added option to limit preview text * Fixed issue blog widget title is blank, but have separator line * Fixed testimonials widget group issue * Fixed portfolio widget group issue * Improved navigation compatibility with HTML tags * Improved navigation dropdown compatibility 2.0.8 * Added option to show loading animations * Improved partners widget responsivness * Fixed NextGen Gallery plugin lightbox issue * Fixed fatal error for some users in template-tags.php 2.0.7 * Added swipe support for light box picture in portfolio widget * Updated Jquery tosrus plugin * Updated comments section * Fixed issue - comments not showing up in some pages 2.0.6 * Added option to disable blog page widgets under theme options * Added option to remove portfolio widget item details * Fixed some service widget issues * Fixed some portfolio widget category issues * Fixed some blog pages category issues 2.0.4, 2.0.5 * Security update * Other small improvements 2.0.3 * Added option to change blog widget item limit * Fixed blog widget "Read more" button link not working * Improved testimonials widget * Other improvements 2.0.2 * Fixed navigation dropdown color issue * Fixed some testimonials widget issues * Improved partners widget actions 2.0.1 * Added few visual tweaks * Fixed Include page widget title issue * Fixed Include page widget double Read More buttons isseue * Fixed Include page widget dobule content issue * Fixed some testimonials widget issues * Improved responsive design * Other improvements 2.0.0 * Added testimonials widget * Added slogan widget * Added button style option under theme options * Added title style option under theme options * Added slideshow widget style option under theme options * Added parallax effect support under page settings * Added second caption for slideshow widget * Added site name for header logo IMG attributes * Added option to set link hover color under theme options * Added option to set slideshow height under slideshow widget options * Added option to add categories switch option for portfolio widget under its options * Added option to add blank spaces between images under portfolio widget options * Improved Contact Form 7 compatibility * Improved Page Builder by SiteOrigin compatibility * Updated theme author copyright text in the footer * Updated readme.txt * Fixed multiple category issue under portfolio widget * Fixed some header item placement issues * Fixed boxed layout issue * Removed blank spaces form footer copyrights * Other improvements ** Notice: "Types" plugin XML file update needed 1.3.4 * Added option to add accent background color to social header under theme options * Added "Read More" link under service items when custom link is added * Added option to use html code inside footer copyrights * Fixed social icons is now hidden in mobile devices when disabled * Fixed plugin Contact Form 7 responsive issue * Fixed boxed layout background color issue 1.3.3 * Fixed search widget design issue * Other small improvements 1.3.2 * Minor changes 1.3.1 * Added manage content buttons under Maskitto widgets for ease of use * Added option to group services widgets * Added option to group portfolio widgets * Added contact form 7 support for sidebar * Improved 404 page, background color now changes according to accent color * Fixed blank front page issue * Fixed shortcodes not working in sidebar * Other improvements 1.3.0 * Added "Group" taxonomies under slider, services, partners and portfolio * Added option to group services widgets (other widgets are coming in next them versions) * Added option to change header background color under theme options - header layout * Added option to enable header search form under theme options - header * Added option "Standard Large" under theme options - header layout * Fixed search page pagination issue * Fixed blog categories page pagination issue * Fixed portfolio page issue when widget isn't working * Fixed issue when some custom CSS code form theme options doesnt work * Fixed post format aside issue * Fixed theme options not showing up * Updated shortcode compatibility in pages * Improved blog slide responsivness * Improved mobile device logo size, now relates to head layout size * Other improvements ** Notice: "Types" plugin XML file update needed * Fixed major code error * Added some sanitize/escape functions * Updated readme.txt 1.2.13 * Added option to disable logo in footer under theme options * Fixed title issue when there is dashes in title and subtitle 1.2.12 * Added some sanitize/escape functions * Added support for google fonts under theme options / Body Font * Updated sidebar with message/link for to widget page for 0 wdigets * Updated readme.txt 1.2.11 * Added some sanitize/escape functions * Updated readme.txt * Other small improvements 1.2.10 * Added some sanitize/escape functions * Updated scripts and styles handles 1.2.9 * Fixed error msg 1.2.8 * Updated page builder columns compatibility * Updated theme options for better understanding * Fixed some "Include page" widget issues * Fixed blank logo issues * Fixed minor security issues * Other small improvements 1.2.7 * Added option to change blog slide height under theme options * Updated theme options names and icons for better understanding * Other small improvements 1.2.6 * Added post format support for video and audio * Added option to enable or disable sticky header under theme options * Added option to enable or disable blog categories under theme options * Updated font awesome files to latest version * Updated bootstrap files to latest version * Updated animate.css files to latest version * Updated page and include page widget code with some bug fixes * Fixed some CSS style and responsive style issues * Fixed some portfolio section issues * Fixed some centered logo issues under header layout * Other improvements 1.2.5 * Added new layout for post page (in new blog layout) * Added post formats support (at this moment only aside, but more will come) * Fixed duplicate title issue * Fixed some theme option issues * Fixed customizer showing arrays * Fixed some CSS style and responsive style issues * Fixed some JS issues 1.2.4 * Added Pinterest social icon * Added header layout - inverted * Fixed some portfolio widget issues (part 2) 1.2.3 * Added partial support for Contact Form 7 plugin * Added built in calendar widget support * Fixed some portfolio widget issues ( part 1) 1.2.2 * Added option to open navigation dropdown on hover * Fixed some responsive layout issues * Fixed slider button url not working * Other small improvements 1.2.1 * Added option to open social links in new tab * Fixed issue when contact form not showing up in contacts page * Fixed issue when mini gallery appears on every post page * Fixed issue when portfolio page isn't working property * Other improvements ** Notice: "Types" plugin XML file update needed 1.2.0 * Added blog layouts option under theme options and added new layout * Added to services widget - support for more than 3 items (see in widget settings) * Added to services widget - support to disable the dotted line (see in widget settings) * Added to header layouts - new options for centered, but smaller logo * Fixed blog item - blank date * Other improvements 1.1.8 * Minor security fix 1.1.7 * Added header layouts under theme options for larger logo support * Added to slider widget - one more button with custom design * Added to partners widget - custom url option * Added to portfolio widget - custom url option * Fixed counter widget - global style color not working * Updated edit button * Other improvements ** Notice: "Types" plugin XML file update needed 1.1.6 * Added custom CSS editor in theme options * Added full layout mode * Added Linkedin social icon * Fixed inability to change navigation * Fixed service widget - animation problem * Fixed partner widget - removed duplicate symbols * Fixed comment date - not showing correctly * Other small improvements 1.1.5 * Fix for header blank image * Updated readme file 1.1.4 * Updated home template name to front page * Other small improvements 1.1.3 * Fix for header image not changing when recommended plugins are disabled * Fix for footer year dynamic * Fix for google fonts in https sites * Fix for warning message in mini gallery 1.1.2 * Added widget icons for Page Builder by SiteOrigin * Added widget groups for Page Builder by SiteOrigin * Added twitter, wordpress and vk social icons * Added counter widget * Updated contacts page * Other small improvements 1.1.1 * Updated theme thumbnail for better quality * Added blog title bar * Disabled "No menu is assigned!" 1.1.0 * Added boxed layout option * Added footer logo fixed height * Some other bug fixes * Updated style.css tags 1.0.12 * Recommended plugins won't install fix * Some other bug fixes 1.0.11 * Added changelog.txt for updates * Added documentation URL in description * jQuery not working fix 1.0.10 * First public release