Licence statements Photos - Licensed under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license. Screenshot slide photo - Included photo "bloghead.jpg" - Font - Font Awesome: Licensed under the SIL Open Font License (OFL). Code - Font Awesome: Licensed under the MIT license. Custom header: Functionality is limited to images only. Script - Bootstrap Licensed under MIT ( Script - jQuery Waypoints Dual licensed under the MIT license and GPL license. Script - jQuery Touch Optimized Sliders Licensed under the MIT license. Script - jQuery Counterup Released under the GPL v2 License. Script - Maplace Licensed under the MIT license. Script - Slick Licensed under the MIT license. Script - SmoothScroll Licensed under the terms of the MIT license. Plugin - Redux Framework Released under the GPL v2 or later. Plugin - TGM-Plugin-Activation Released under the GPL v2 or later. Plugin - wp_bootstrap_navwalker Released under the GPL v2 License.