== Medics == Theme Name: Medics Theme URI: http://fasterthemes.com/wordpress-themes/Medics Author: FasterThemes Author URI: http://fasterthemes.com/ Description: Medics is a lightweight, faster, clean, super flexible and bootstrap based responsive theme mainly designed for doctors and hospitals but can be used in any business or personal website as well. Medics Theme is built on top of Twitter Bootstrap which means that your site can be displayed on every device (pc, laptop, mobile devices, tablets etc) without horizontal scrolling.It has got custom widgets, theme-options etc in order to get it customized as per your need. Home page layout contains in-built and recent posts are touch friendly slider based on owl carousel. Pro or Paid version includes custom post types for managing team (doctors), slider on the home page and many more features ! Version: 1.4 License: GNU General Public License v3 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html Medics Theme, Copyright 2014 fasterthemes.com Medics is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL Tags: blue, light, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, responsive-layout, theme-options, three-columns, custom-menu, featured-image-header, full-width-template, sticky-post, threaded-comments, custom-background, custom-header, editor-style, featured-images, translation-ready Text Domain: medics This theme, like WordPress, is licensed under the FasterThemes. Use it to make something cool, have fun, and share what you've learned with others. == Theme Description == Medics is a lightweight, faster, clean, super flexible and bootstrap based responsive theme mainly designed for doctors and hospitals but can be used in any business or personal website as well. Medics Theme is built on top of Twitter Bootstrap which means that your site can be displayed on every device (pc, laptop, mobile devices, tablets etc) without horizontal scrolling.It has got custom widgets, theme-options etc in order to get it customized as per your need. Home page layout contains in-built and recent posts are touch friendly slider based on owl carousel. Pro or Paid version includes custom post types for managing team (doctors), slider on the home page and many more features ! == Features == Responsive design(Bootstrap), Theme Options, Custom Menu, supports social media, Top Header. Featured Image Header, Full Width Template, Sticky Post, Custom Background, Custom Header, Editor Style, Featured Images == Tags == blue, light, right-sidebar, left-sidebar, responsive-layout, theme-options, fluid-layout, three-columns, custom-menu, featured-image-header, full-width-template, sticky-post, threaded-comments, custom-background, custom-header, editor-style, featured-images == Installation == 1. Primary: = Login to your wp-admin account and go to Appearance -> Themes. = Select "Install" tab and click on the "Upload" link. = Select "medics.zip" and click on "Install Now" button. = In case of errors, use an alternate method. 2. Alternate method: = Unzip the template file (medics.zip) that you have downloaded. = Upload the entire folder (medics) to your server via FTP and place it in the /wp-content/themes/ folder. = Do not change the directory name. = The template files should be there now: /wp-content/themes/medics/index.php (example). 3. Log into your WP admin panel and click on "Appearance". Go to "Themes" tab. 4. Now click on "medics" to activate the theme. 5. Complete all of the required inputs in the theme Options page (in the WP admin panel) and click "Save". 6. Change Logo and Favicon: = Login to your wp-admin area and go to Appearance -> FT Options. = Select "Basic Settings" Tab. = Upload the logo & Enter Introduction text for the right upperside of Your Theme. 7. Social Media: = Login to your wp-admin area and go to Appearance -> FT Options. = Select "Social Settings" tab = Here you can add your Facebook, Twitter, Google plus URLs which will appear in the top header. 8. Top Header: = Login to your wp-admin area and go to Appearance -> FT Options. = Select "Basic Settings" Tab. = Here you can set your Phone and E-mail. 9. Home Page Settings: = For home page settings first you need to assign Home Template then = Login to your wp-admin area and go to Appearance -> FT Options = Select "Home Page Settings" tab = here you can manage home page title and content = then you can set three coloum icon, title and content = If you want to set download text and link you can set it. = You can manage here blog post title and category for display post of this category --------------------------------------------------------- License and Copyrights for Resources used in this theme --------------------------------------------------------- i) Fontawesome =========== License URI: http://fontawesome.io/license/ Resource Name: fontawesome License Name: Open Font License (OFL) Version 4.1.0 ii)Administration Panel =========== Options Framework Theme - For the Administration Panel, we have used our own custom options panel. License: GNU General Public License v2 iii)Fonts =========== Scada - http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Scada They are under SIL Open Font. iv)Bootstrap files =========== we used are licensed under the Apache License v3.1.1 Bootstrap - http://getbootstrap.com Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE) v)Owl carousel ========== jQuery OwlCarousel v1.3.3 which is Licensed under MIT vi)respond.min js file ============ we used are licensed under MIT/GPL2. Version - v1.3.0 vii) Images ============ http://pixabay.com/en/arabian-gulf-us-navy-comfort-ship-80359/ - Public Domain CC0 License Icons - http://www.fasterthemes.com License: General Public License (GPL) --------------------------------------------------------- TGM Plugin license and link --------------------------------------------------------- license - http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.php GPL v2 or later link - https://github.com/thomasgriffin/TGM-Plugin-Activation