== Changelog == = Theme Name: Roadfighter Theme = Version: 1.2.9 = *************************** * Theme check issue fixed. * All text domain matched with theme directory. * Language .pot file matched with text domain. * Use add_theme_support( 'title-tag' ) with after_theme_setup hook and removed title tag from header.php. * Escaped Some Hard coded link. * Version 1.2.8 *************************************** 1. Text wrapped issue fixed. * Version 1.2.7 *************************************** 1. screen_icon() found in the file plugin-activation.php. Deprecated since version 3.8 issue fixed. 2. Removed front-page.php, used home.php instead. 3. Added slider and feature boxes. 4. Default footer widgets added. 5. The flexible-width and fixed-width tags changed to fluid-layout and fixed-layout tags in WordPress 3.8 issue fixed. * Version 1.2.6 *************************************** 1. Css error fixed. 2. Admin theme option style issue fixed. 3. Front page configured for reading setting changes. * Version 1.2.5 *************************************** 1. Added plugins notification for recommends plugin. 2. Fixed theme option issue. * Version 1.2.4 *************************************** 1. Font license specified. * Version 1.2.3 *************************************** 1. Deprecated php funtion removed. 2. Period in comments.php is removed. 3. wp_print_scripts changed to wp_enqueue_scripts. * Version 1.2.2 *************************************** 1. Removed package wordpress from all files. 2. Different text domain issue fixed. * Version 1.2.1 *************************************** 1. Some untranslated text made translation ready. 2. Different text domain removed. 3. Unprefix function made prefixed. 4. Escaped urls with esc_url(). 5. Filtered wp_title(); * Version 1.2.0 *************************************** 1. Image license specified. * Version 1.1.0 *************************************** 1. Debug error on undefined constant error fixed. 2. Removed hard coded telephone numbers into the theme header. 3. Removed function exists wrapper. Calls to add_image_size and add_theme_support hooked to after_setup_theme. 4. All Untranslated text wrapped into translation function. 5. Enabled WordPress core custom background setting. 6. Code optimized. * Version 1.0.0 *************************************** 1. Road-fighter Theme is released on 23/06/2013.