# Simtiful ## Simtiful is a simeple full responsive WordPress theme designed for SIMPLICITY, USABILITY AND LEGIBILITY - Simtiful WordPress Theme, Copyright (C) 2015, Ohsik Park - Simtiful is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL * Demo / More Info [http://wp.ohsikpark.com/simtiful/](http://wp.ohsikpark.com/simtiful/). * Design Concept [http://www.ohsikpark.com/simtiful-wordpress-blog-theme/](http://www.ohsikpark.com/simtiful-wordpress-blog-theme/) ## v 1.0.2 to v 1.0.4 - Changes for WP theme review - Theme options for logo and footer copyright text added ## v 1.0.1 - Mobile navigation extra padding error fixed - webkit class added for input fields on iOS - Checkbox and radio button style on webkit - content-page.php added - sub menu support for level 1 ### Licenses - Masonry MIT license (http://masonry.desandro.com) - normalize.css MIT License (github.com/necolas/normalize.css) - Images License: CC0 Public Domain (https://unsplash.com/license) https://download.unsplash.com/photo-1419242902214-272b3f66ee7a - Dimox Breadcrumbs MIT license (https://gist.github.com/Dimox/5654092)