// Resources + HTML5 Shiv v3.7.0 by Sjoerd Visscher licensed under the MIT License - https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv + Bootstrap v3.2.0 licensed under the MIT License - http://getbootstrap.com + Ubuntu Font by Dalton Maag distributed under the Ubuntu Font License, 1.0 - https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Ubuntu + Default header image by Emanuele Pinna licenced under the CC0 1.0 Universal Public Domain- http://www.splashbase.co/sources/170 + Photos in screenshot.png licenced under the Creative Commons Zero (CC0) license * Harvest Season - https://unsplash.imgix.net/35/Ov8Hg5LlQriTimkB3PEl_kreativgrund_Weizenfeld.jpg * Coffee and Macaroon - http://www.splashbase.co/images/228 * Cars Parking Street - http://www.pexels.com/photo/2647/ All other resources created by Michael Burrows for the Griffin theme distributed under the GPL license. // Changelog + 1.0.9 * Modified header for improved responsiveness * Added mobile navigation * Full width teasers for mobile devices * Only show comment bubble if comments exist