CHANGELOG for Forum Access for Drupal 7 forum_access 7.x-1.x-dev: Bug fixed: - #2463055 by DrCord: Fix 'Use of undefined constant uids' notice. - #2276445 by Bastlynn: Avoid a notice when a comment pending for notification has been deleted. - #2147183 by sadashiv: Notices in user_role_delete() when upgrading from D6 to D7. - #2005352 by EAnushan: Avoid trashing the saved tid when another module calls menu_get_item() with a different $path. - #1849288: Clean up the helpful information for Content Access. - Avoid a notice on admin/index. - #1793504 by RedRat: Fix non-translatable string. forum_access 7.x-1.2 (2012-09-15): Bug fixed: - #1775204: Avoid crashing the site if FA encounters CMA 1.x (when the upgrade instructions aren't being followed). forum_access 7.x-1.1 (2012-09-02): Enhancements: - Fix all Coder complaints (no functional changes). - #1757616: Switch to 2.x branch of Chain Menu Access API module. - Revised the README.txt file. - Work around all false Coder Review positives (no functional change). Bugs fixed: - Increase timeout for the tests to ensure they go through on slow computers. - Clean up the dependencies for testing (no functional change). - #1768330: Remove the broken D5 Legacy Mode which never worked for D7. - #1701504: Give moderators access to the administrative node properties and add tests. - Remove the version requirement in the .info file to avoid breaking the testbot (#1768442). - Avoid an E_STRICT warning (no functional change). - Remove the unnecessary hook_requirements(). - #1706040: Avoid crashing in the presence of content_access.module. - Fix forum_access_requirements() to always return an array(). - Replace $_GET['q'] with current_path(), for D8. forum_access 7.x-1.0 (2012-04-02): forum_access 7.x-1.0-rc2 (2012-03-16): Bugs fixed: - #1478822: Use user_roles() to allow translation of built-in roles and because it's the right way. - Remove some left-over code from D6. - Use node_load_multiple() for updating the permissions. - #1321864 by David4514: Fix unnecessary suppression of non-standard fields on add/edit node form for moderators. forum_access 7.x-1.0-rc1 (2012-02-19): Bugs fixed: - #1429220: Fix extending edit/delete own forum content permissions to comments and clarify information. - Show proper mouse-over hints on the forum settings pages. - Fix the ForumAccessBaseTestCase. - Adjust POST to the Devel Settings page to Devel change. forum_access 7.x-1.0-beta2 (2012-01-05): Bugs fixed: - Use url() to format links in tests to be compatible with qa.d.o. - Avoid trying to enable non-existing modules in tests (especially on qa.d.o). - Override the invalid inherited testEnableForumField() test in the ForumTestCase base class. - #1343568: Fix reference to the test file. - #1325850: Fix a left-over D6 db_result() call. - #1244406: Remove ACL version requirement. - #1228214: Fully qualify field parameter in SelectQuery::condition(), SelectQuery::orderBy() calls. forum_access 7.x-1.0-beta1 (2011-07-07): Bugs fixed: - Make template forum selection optional. - #1210900 by ohnobinki, salvis: Enable caching of the 'create' case in forum_access_node_access(). - First attempt to handle unpublished nodes. - Make Edit and Delete depend on View. - #1097692 by salvis: Fix array_merge() warning on comment previews. - Fix initialization of template forum selection. forum_access 7.x-1.0-alpha4 (2011-01-16): Bugs fixed: - Implement node and comment edit forms for moderators. - Fix comment links. - Disable 'edit own comments' permission and document this. - Fix the tests to ignore 'edit own comments' but to account for 'edit/delete any/own forum content'. - Reorder the tests to make the more difficult ones come first. - In the test suite, rename the roles and users to more accurately reflect the names of the permissions they represent. - #1020852: Fix "Undefined variable: node in forum_access_menu_get_item_alter() line 341". - #1019572: Add '>=' operator to ACL dependency. forum_access 7.x-1.0-alpha3 (2011-01-08): Bugs fixed: - Major update to fix various bugs and adapt to late changes in the Form API of D7 core. - Remove remaining references to {}. - Clean up / enable tests. - Port update 6106 to secure upgrade path from D6. - #1016088: Avoid calling reset() on non-variables. - #993056: Remove call-time pass-by-reference typos. - #999556: Adapt to changed signature of hook_menu_view(). - #996130: Fix undefined index 'buttons' notice. - Fix tests to install the newly required chain_menu_access.module. - The D6 moderator role is removed during upgrading, no need to remove it in hook_uninstall(), too. forum_access 7.x-1.0-alpha2 (2010-12-11): Enhancement: - Use the Chain Menu Access API. Bugs fixed: - Fix some minor bugs. - Add missing assertFieldEnabled()/assertFieldDisabled() function that haven't made it into core (see #882564). - Remove the need for the hook_menu_get_item_alter() patch. - Some code clean-up, no functional changes. - Fix invalid use of t(). - #964762: Fix undefined variable notice for $na_modules. forum_access 7.x-1.0-alpha1 (2010-11-07): Port fixes from 6.x-1.5: - #745002: Fix missing 'delete comment' link for users with the 'administer comments' permission. - #906430: Add a missing preg_match() call. - #810422: Fix public forums not being visible to Anonymous on the overview page, due to missing default records in the {node_access} table. - Always display the 'Update even if unchanged' checkbox, except for new forums/containers. - Fix inability to save Create and View access for roles with the 'administer nodes' permission. Porting to D7: - Initial port of 6.x-1.4, add extensive tests.