CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Author * Description * Installation * Usage * Todo AUTHOR ------ alexverb ( DESCRIPTION ----------- The Media: YouTube upload module extends the file field with a widget that can upload videos directly to a preconfigured YouTube account. Aside from the field, it is also possible to make use of a page, block or media widget for uploading your videos. The biggest advantage of using this module is that the video file never hits your server and saves a lot of bandwidth, while still maintaining control over your videos through a YouTube file in your Drupal installation. REQUIREMENTS ------------ Google api php client library A defined Google Application Google CORS Upload file INSTALLATION ------------ Automatic Using "drush en media_youtube_upload -y" will download/enable the module and download the libraries to sites all libraries if the libraries module is enabled. You can use "drush myu-libraries" to (re)install them. Pass the directory as a parameter to use a different libraries folder: "drush myu-libraries sites/mysite/libraries". The only step that can't be performed automatically is to run "composer install" in the google-api-php-client folder. For this you need to have composer installed. Manual 1. Enable the module as usual in Administer -> Site building -> Modules. 2. Install - the Google API php client library download it here Extract it's contents to the path
sites/all/libraries/google-api-php-client or sites/[domain]/libraries/google-api-php-client. Then go inside that folder, run "composer install" to download the library dependencies and autoload.php files. - the Google CORS Upload file download it here Extract it so the path sites/all/libraries/google-api-cors-upload/cors_upload.js or sites/[domain]/libraries/google-api-cors-upload/cors_upload.js is available. CONFIGURATION ------------- Configure the Google App that will hold the video on the module configuration page at: admin/config/media/media_youtube_upload. 1. To get credentials, - Go to - Create a new project and give it a project name accordingly. - Under "API Manager" -> "Overview" -> enable the "YouTube Data API". - Next in "API Manager" -> "Credentials" -> Add credentials -> "OAuth 2.0 Client ID". - Then under "Application Type" select "Web Application" and fill the website URI's. - For the "Redirect URI" use http://yourdomain/media_youtube_upload/oauth2callback - If these directions are not clear you can visit the documentation page at with screenshots. * A much made mistake is when people get the error "Invalid Credentials" when uploading a video. This probably means you haven't set up a YouTube channel yet for your YouTube account. USAGE ----- 1. Add a filefield with the YouTube upload widget: - Permissions can be set for the allowed extensions and max uploadsize settings at: admin/people/permissions#module-media_youtube_upload. - Select which YouTube fields you want the user to be able to customize. - Enter default values for the YouTube fields. Disabled fields will still use the default value to upload videos to YouTube. - Select the number of values for the field. 2. Add a filefield with the Media widget: - Configurable at "admin/config/media/media_youtube_upload/media_settings". - These settings will be used on all media widgets with the youtube upload. 3. Use the upload page "file/add/youtube": - Configurable at "admin/config/media/media_youtube_upload/page_settings". - Below in the settings you can configure redirection after successful upload. 4. The YouTube upload block: - Configurable at "admin/config/media/media_youtube_upload/block_settings". - Below in the settings you can configure redirection after successful upload. CREDITS ------- To media_youtube module for the formatter: To youtube_uploader module for ideas on the code and options. A lot of code has been re-used, but implemented to draw the power of the file_entity module: TODO ---- Check issue queue at: