myTinyTodo =========================== Features ------------ Multiple lists Task notes Tags (and tag cloud) Due dates (input format: y-m-d, m/d/y, d.m.y, m/d, d.m) Priority (-1, 0, +1, +2) Different sortings including sort by drag-and-drop Search Password protection Smart syntax improves creation of tasks (usage: /priority/ Task /tags/) Print-friendly CSS Style for mobiles devices Field permissions integration ( Views integration ( Installing myTinyTodo ----------------------------- 1. Copy the Drupal mytinytodo module to your sites/SITENAME/modules directory or sites/all/modules directory. 2. Enable the module at Administer >> Site building >> Modules. 3. Go to content types (admin/structure/types) -> manage fields -> look for "TODO list" in the field selection box To add more TODO lists per content type, repeat step 3. Security ------------------------------ You must grant permission to access the content type that contains your todo list field by going to /admin/people/permissions. For more granular control, you can install the "Field permissions" module ( This will give you control to determine which roles are allowed to view and/or edit the todo list field.