query($qVals11); // Get the result $row = $connector->fetchArray($result); $OrgName = $row["OrgName"]; $OrgNumber = $row["OrgNumber"]; // >> GET MEMBER PERMISSIONS // CHECK PERMISSIONS OF THE USER TO SEE WHAT THEY CAN DO WITH MEMBERS // POPULATE SESSION PERMISSIONS BASED ON THOSE VALUES. // >> PULL UP THE DATA TO BE USED IN THE LIST $qVals11 = "SELECT * FROM mtg WHERE OrgId =".$_SESSION['McMember_OrgId']." AND Deleted=0".$GSOFinal; $result = $connector->query($qVals11); $record_found = mysql_num_rows($result); $nrows = mysql_num_rows($result); // $row = $connector->fetchArray($result); print "
"; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; // used to call page in new window // VIEW"; for($j=0;$j<$nrows;$j++){ $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $EditURL = "EditMeeting.php?ID=" . $row['MtgId']; $DeleteURL = "DeleteMeeting.php?ID=" . $row['MtgId']; $ViewURL = "ViewMeetings.php?ID=" . $row['MtgId']. "&UCID=22"; $ViewURL = "document.location.href='$ViewURL'"; // ---------------------------------------------------------- print ""; $theString = ""; print ""; } // END FOR print "
FUNCTION"; print "Meeting Name "; print "Theme"; print "Date"; print "Time
".$theString; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------- $theString = "'; print "".$theString; // ---------------------------------------------------------- // ---------------------------------------------------------- $theString = "'; print "".$theString; // ---------------------------------------------------------- print "" . $row["Name"]; print "" . $row["Phone1"]; print "" . $row["Zip"]; print "" . $row["Email"]; print "
"; ?>