"; $_SESSION['ValidateMessage'] = "Organization ID Not Found"; include "../Login.php"; exit(); } if (empty($_SESSION['McMember_MemId'])){ // echo "The MemberID cannot be located.
"; $_SESSION['ValidateMessage'] = "Member ID Not Found"; include "../Login.php"; exit(); } // CHECK TO SEE IF THE PERMISSIONS ADD UP // 1=CreateMember // 2=DeleteMember // 3=EditMember // 4=ImageMember // 5=PermissionsMember // 6= DeDuplicateMember $page = $_SESSION['McMember_CurrentPage'] ; switch ($page) { case 1: if($row["MemAdd"] == 1){ break; } else{ $_SESSION['ValidateProblem'] = 1; $theCurrentMessage = "
You do not have permissions to create new members!
"; $theCurrentMessage = $theCurrentMessage."
You must contact an organization administrator to have these priviledges assigned!
"; $theCurrentMessage = $theCurrentMessage."
Click here to continue."; $_SESSION['ValidateMessage'] = $theCurrentMessage; header("Location: ViewMembers.php"); break; } case 2: if($row["MemDel"] == 1){ exit(); } else{ $_SESSION['ValidateProblem'] = 1; $theCurrentMessage = "
You do not have permissions to delete members!
"; $theCurrentMessage = $theCurrentMessage."
You must contact an organization administrator to have these priviledges assigned!
"; $theCurrentMessage = $theCurrentMessage."
Click here to continue."; $_SESSION['ValidateMessage'] = $theCurrentMessage; // header("Location: ViewMembers.php"); break; } case 3: if($row["MemEdit"] == 1){ exit(); } else{ $_SESSION['ValidateProblem'] = 1; $theCurrentMessage = "
You do not have permissions to edit members!
"; $theCurrentMessage = $theCurrentMessage."
You must contact an organization administrator to have these priviledges assigned!
"; $theCurrentMessage = $theCurrentMessage."
Click here to continue."; $_SESSION['ValidateMessage'] = $theCurrentMessage; // header("Location: ViewMembers.php"); break; } case 4: if($row["MemImage"]== 1){ exit(); } else{ echo "
You do not have permissions to change member images!
"; echo "
You must contact an organization administrator to have these priviledges assigned!
"; echo "
Click here to continue."; break; } case 5: if($row["MemPmt"] == 1){ exit(); } else{ echo "
You do not have permissions to change member images!
"; echo "
You must contact an organization administrator to have these priviledges assigned!
"; echo "
Click here to continue."; break; } case 6: if($row["MemDup"] == 1){ exit(); } else{ echo "
You do not have permissions to de-duplicate members!
"; echo "
You must contact an organization administrator to have these priviledges assigned!
"; echo "
Click here to continue."; break; } } // END SWITCH ?>