> CHECK TO SEE IF THE MEMBER LOGGED IN IS THE SAME AS THE MEMBER // >> BEING CALLED // IF NOT CURRENT MEMBER, CHECK TO SEE IF MEMBER INFO IS PUBLIC // IF MEMBER INFO PUBLIC DISPLAY // Get the PHP file containing the DbConnector class require_once('DbConnector.php'); // Create an instance of DbConnector $connector = new DbConnector(); $theMemId = $_POST['MemberId']; $thehiddenSubmitter = $_POST['hiddensubmitter']; $MemFName=$_POST['FirstName']; $MemLName=$_POST['LastName']; $MemTitle=$_POST['Title']; $MemStatus = $_POST['Status']; $MemType = $_POST['Type']; $MemEmail = $_POST['Email']; $MemAddress1 = $_POST['Address1']; $MemAddress2 = $_POST['Address2']; $MemCity = $_POST['City']; $MemState = $_POST['State']; $MemZip = $_POST['Zip']; $MemCountry = $_POST['Country']; $MemArea = $_POST['AC']; $MemPre = $_POST['PF']; $MemSuf = $_POST['SF']; $MemPT1 = $_POST['PT1']; $MemDisplay = $MemArea."-".$MemPre."-".$MemSuf; $MemArea2 = $_POST['AC2']; $MemPre2 = $_POST['PF2']; $MemSuf2 = $_POST['SF2']; $MemPT2 = $_POST['PT2']; $MemDisplay2 = $MemArea2."-".$MemPre2."-".$MemSuf2; $MemberSince = $_POST['MemberSince']; $MemberBD = $_POST['Birthdate']; If ($thehiddenSubmitter == "pookachoo"){ $theString= "FirstName='$MemFName', LastName='$MemLName',"; $theString= $theString."Phone_Type='$MemPT1',MemStatus='$MemStatus',"; $theString= $theString."MemType='$MemType', Email='$MemEmail',Title='$MemTitle',"; $theString= $theString."Address1='$MemAddress1',Address2='$MemAddress2',"; $theString= $theString."City='$MemCity',State='$MemState',Zip='$MemZip',Country='$MemCountry',"; $theString= $theString."Phone_Area='$MemArea',Phone_Prefix='$MemPre',Phone_Suffix='$MemSuf',"; $theString= $theString."Phone_Display='$MemDisplay',MemberSince='$MemberSince',Birthdate='$MemberBD',"; $theString= $theString." Phone_Type='$MemPT1',Phone2_Type='$MemPT2'"; $qVals = "UPDATE mem SET ".$theString." WHERE MemID=".$theMemId; // echo $qVals; $result = $connector->query("$qVals"); header("location: ViewMembers.php"); } // >> GET ORG ID if($_SESSION['McMember_OrgId']){ // everything is alright }else{ // something has gone wrong, the org id cant be located $_SESSION['McMember_FailureReason'] = "UnableToLocateOrgId"; header("location: Login.php"); } // USED FOR TESTING PURPOSES $_SESSION['McMember_OrgId'] = 1; // Gets rid of all the error reporting on servers which are not configured appropriately. error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); // Get the PHP file containing the DbConnector class require_once('DbConnector.php'); // Create an instance of DbConnector $connector = new DbConnector(); // GET THE ORG DETAILS // THROW THEM INTO VARIABLES $qVals11 = "SELECT * FROM org WHERE OrgId =".$_SESSION['McMember_OrgId']; $result = $connector->query($qVals11); // Get the result $row = $connector->fetchArray($result); $OrgName = $row["OrgName"]; $OrgNumber = $row["OrgNumber"]; // >> GET MEMBER PERMISSIONS // CHECK PERMISSIONS OF THE USER TO SEE WHAT THEY CAN DO WITH MEMBERS // POPULATE SESSION PERMISSIONS BASED ON THOSE VALUES. // >> PULL UP THE DATA TO BE USED IN THE LIST if(isset($_GET['ID'])){ $theMemId = $_GET['ID']; } $qVals11 = "SELECT * FROM mem WHERE MemId=".$theMemId." ORDER BY LastName"; // echo $qVals11; $result = $connector->query($qVals11); $record_found = mysql_num_rows($result); $nrows = mysql_num_rows($result); $row = $connector->fetchArray($result); if($record_found > 0){ ?>





First Name " tabindex="1">
Last Name " tabindex="2">
Title " tabindex="3">
Address 1 " tabindex="4">
Address 2 " tabindex="5">
City, State " tabindex="6">,  
Country, Zip " tabindex="9">
Email " tabindex="10">
Phone 1


" tabindex="11">


" tabindex="12">  - " tabindex="13">
Phone 2


" tabindex="15">


" tabindex="16">  - " tabindex="17">
Member Since " tabindex="19">
Birthday " tabindex="20">


Phone Type
Phone Type

\n"; print "To Edit This Member, click here.

"; print "To Return to Membership Administration, click here.
"; } else{ print "

No Records Located"; print "No Member located."; print "To Return to Membership Administration, click here."; } ?>