> CHECK TO SEE IF THE MEMBER LOGGED IN IS THE SAME AS THE MEMBER // >> BEING CALLED // IF NOT CURRENT MEMBER, CHECK TO SEE IF MEMBER INFO IS PUBLIC // IF MEMBER INFO PUBLIC DISPLAY $theOrgId = $_GET['ID']; // >> GET ORG ID // Gets rid of all the error reporting on servers which are not configured appropriately. error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE); // Get the PHP file containing the DbConnector class require_once('../DbConnector.php'); // Create an instance of DbConnector $connector = new DbConnector(); // GET THE ORG DETAILS // THROW THEM INTO VARIABLES $qVals11 = "SELECT * FROM org WHERE OrgId =".$theOrgId; $result = $connector->query($qVals11); // Get the result $record_found = mysql_num_rows($result); $row = $connector->fetchArray($result); $OrgName = $row["OrgName"]; $OrgNumber = $row["OrgNumber"]; if($record_found > 0){ ?>




\n"; } else{ print "

No Records Located"; print "No Organization located."; } echo '

'; ?>