here."; // END IF greater than one row found inthe class list. } else { // $PHP_SELF as the form action will cause the script to post to itself } // END ELSE IF echo ""; echo "

Turning Point at Granita Park

Student Administration System

Add / Edit Classes

Click here to return to the main administration page!


"; $sql="SELECT subject.Subject, subject.SubjectID, classes.* FROM classes LEFT JOIN subject ON classes.SubjectId = subject.SubjectID ORDER BY subject.Subject, classes.ClassName"; $result = mysql_query($sql); $nrows = mysql_num_rows($result); if($nrows != 0) { print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ""; print ">"; for($j=0;$j<$nrows;$j++) { $row = mysql_fetch_array($result); $EditURL = "TPGP_EditClass.php?ID=" . $row['ClassId']; $DeleteURL = "TPGP_DeleteClass.php?ID=" . $row['ClassId']; $UnitsURL = "TPGP_EditUnits.php?ID=" . $row['ClassId']; print "
FUNCTION"; print "Subject "; print "Class Name"; print "Class Description"; print "Last Revision"; print "Revised By"; print "Credits
UNITS"; print " EDIT"; print " DELETE"; print "" . $row["Subject"]; print "" . $row["ClassName"]; print "" . $row["ClassDescription"]; print "" . $row["LastRevision"]; print "" . $row["RevisedBy"]; print "" . $row["Credits"]; print "\n"; } print "

\n"; } $list_comp = $row["SubjectID"]; $sql4="SELECT SubjectID,Subject from subject"; $result4 = mysql_query($sql4) or die("error in SQL"); echo '
Add New Class
Subject '; echo "
Class Name

Last Revision (yyyy-mm-dd)
Revised By


'; print "Click here to return to the main administration page!"; // THIS IS WHERE THE SELF POST FORM ENDS // mysql_close($dbcon); ?>