“Work Order 1”
is a Work Order Management
System – designed using
Microsoft Access. It is
scaleable to Microsoft SQL
Server for organizations
having an exceptionally
large volume of work
orders. Work Order 1 is a
database that has been
created to manage, monitor
and report on Work Orders
more effectively. It is a
dependable tool that
allows you to track time
and materials against Work
Orders, identify small
problems before they
become big problems, and
measure progress made on a
week to week, month to
month or other basis.
“Work Order 1”
allows you to search and
locate information easily.
All Work Orders are stored
in a single location. All
network users can access
“Work Order 1” at
the same time – and
changes can be made
without fear of them
getting lost. Information
stays up to date - because
information is in one
location. It is easy to
backup on a regular basis,
and can be customized to
back itself up.
“Work Order 1”
can be easily integrated
with Microsoft Office
products (including Word
and Excel). Export reports
to MS Excel, or e-mail in
text format using MS
Outlook to people outside
your organization. Use
the information stored in
“Work Order 1” to
automagically fill MS Word
quotation forms.
“Work Order 1”
is a professionally
developed database -
information stored in it
can be extremely valuable.
It automates certain
processes and procedures
and allows communications
in your organization to be
improved. “Work Order 1”
saves your company a
significant amount of time
and money.