Schedule of Courses

Live Webinars - All sessions are 1 hour long
AB - Alberta | BC - British Columbia | MB - Manitoba | ON - Ontario | SK - Saskatchewan

Date Start Time (MT) Seminar Name Category Class Credit
January 20 202510 a.m.Biological Weed Control AgentsAB,SK - Pest Management , BC - Application Technology, MB - Pest ManagementAerial, Agriculture, Industrial, Forestry, Landscape and BC Dispenser1 (AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
January 20 202512 noonPesticide Shelf LifeAB - Health and Safety Bc - Safety and EnvironmentAll Classes1(AB,BC)
January 20 20252 p.m.Pesticides and Social LicenseAB-Professionalism,BC-Safety and Environment, ON-IPMAll Classes1(AB,BC)0.50(ON)
January 20 20256 p.m.Reduction in Pesticide Use using IPMAB,SK - Pest Management, BC - IPM, MB - Pest ManagementAerial, Agriculture, Industrial, Landscape and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
January 21 202510 a.m.Open Bodies of Water LegislationRegulationsAll Classes1(AB)
January 21 202512 noonFatigue ManagementAB, SK - Health and Safety, BC - Safety and environmentAll Classes and BC Dispenser1 (AB,SK,BC)
January 21 20252 p.m.Pesticide Applications Around Endangered and Threatened SpeciesEnvironmentAll1(AB,BC,ON,SK,MB)
January 21 20256 p.m.Applying IPM to Manage Canada Thistle, Scentless Chamomile and ToadflaxAB,SK - Pest Management , BC - IPM, MB - Pest ID and Biology Aerial, Agriculture, Forestry, Industrial, Landscape and BC Dispenser1(AB,BC,MB,ON)
January 22 202510 a.m.Sprayer CalibrationAB,SK - Application Technology , BC - Application Technology, MB - Pest Management Agriculture, Forestry, Industrial, Landscape and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
January 22 202512 noonHazard Assessment for Handling PesticidesAB,SK - Health and Safety, BC - Safety and environment, MB - RegulationsAll Classes and BC Dispenser1 (AB,SK,BC,MB,ON )
January 22 20252 p.m.Overview of Selective Application Technology Application TechnologyAgriculture, Industrial, Landscape, Forestry, Aerial1(AB)
January 22 20256 p.m.Factors that Affect the Leaching of HerbicidesAB-Environment, ON - IPMAerial, Agriculture, Landscape, Industrial, Forestry, Greenhouse, Aquatic1(AB,BC,ON)
February 3 202510 a.m.Benefits of PesticidesAB,SK - Pest Management, BC - IPM, MB - Pest ManagementAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB)
February 3 202512 noonHalf-life, Bioaccumulation and BiomagnificationAB-Environment, BC - Safety and Environment, ON - IPMAll Classes1(AB,BC)0.75(ON)
February 3 20252 p.m.Effective Pesticide Discussions with the PublicProfessionalism All1(AB,BC,ON,SK,MB)
February 3 20256 p.m.Benefits of NotificationAB,SK - Regulations , BC - Safety and EnvironmentAll Classes and BC Dispenser1 (AB,SK,BC,ON)
February 4 202510 a.m.Pesticide StorageAB,SK - Regulations, BC - Safety and Environment, MB - RegulationsAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
February 4 202512 noonChanges to Pesticide LabelsAB,SK - Regulations, BC - Safety and Environment , MB - RegulationsAll Classes and BC Dispenser 1(AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
February 4 20252 p.m.Fundamentals of Micro-Meteorology-Part 1Application TechnologyAerial, Agriculture, Forestry, Industrial, Landscape1 (AB,BC,SK)
February 4 20256 p.m.Fundamentals of Micro-Meteorology-Part 2Application TechnologyAerial, Agriculture, Forestry, Industrial, Landscape1 (AB,BC,SK)
February 5 202510 a.m.Integrated Pest Management (IPM) for VegetationAB,SK - Pest Management , BC - IPM. MB - Definition and Elements of IPM Aerial, Agriculture, Industrial, Landscape, Forestry and BC Dispenser1(AB,BC,MB,ON)
February 5 202512 noonAcute and Chronic Toxicity AB,SK - Health and Safety , BC - Safety and Environment , MB- RegulationsAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB)
February 5 20252 p.m.Professionalism and Professional BehaviourAB,SK - Professionalism, MB - RegulationsAll Classes1(AB,BC,MB)
February 5 20256 p.m.Inversions: An Applicators PerspectiveAB-Application TechnologyAerial, Agriculture, Aquatic, Biting Fly, Forestry, Industrial, Landscape 1(AB)
March 3 202510 a.m.Rinsate ManagementAB,SK - Application Technology , BC - Application Technology , MB - Pest ManagementAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
March 3 202512 noonMeasuring Up-Accurate measure is keyApplication TechnologyAll Classes except fumigation1(AB,SK,BC)
March 3 20252 p.m.Soil Microorganisms-Your Underground Assistants in Pesticide DegradationAB,SK - Environment, BC - Safety and Environment, MB - RegulationsAerial, Agriculture, Industrial, Forestry, Landscape, and BC Dispenser 1(AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
March 3 20256 p.m.Pesticides and WaterAB,SK - Environment, BC - Safety and Environment, MB - RegulationsAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,BC,MB,ON)
March 4 202510 a.m.Plant Alleopathy and Chemicals in IPMAB,SK - Pest Management, BC - IPM, MB - Pest ManagementAerial, Agriculture, Industrial, Landscape, Forestry1(AB,BC,MB,ON)
March 4 202512 noonThe World of TankmixingAB - General Information , BC -Application TechnologyAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB)
March 4 20252 p.m.State and Status of PollinatorsEnvironmentAerial, Agriculture, Forestry, Industrial, Greenhouse, Landscape, Aquatic, Structural1(AB,BC)
March 4 20256 p.m.Review of Alberta Provincial LegislationRegulations All Classes1(AB)
March 5 202510 a.m.Reducing Your Environmental Impact Using IPMAB,SK - Environment , BC - Safety and environment, MB - Pest ManagementAerial, Agriculture, Industrial, Landscape, Forestry and BC Dispenser1(AB,BC,MB,ON)
March 5 202512 noonPesticide ResistanceAB,SK - Pest Management, BC - IPM, MB - Pest ManagementAll Classes and BC Dispenser1 (AB,BC,MB,ON)
March 5 20252 p.m.Glyphosate-Re-evaluation status and hazards of useAB - Health and Safety, ON - IPMAerial, Agriculture, Forestry, Industrial, Greenhouse, Landscape1(AB,BC,ON)
March 5 20256 p.m.Reporting Spills and ReleaseAB-Regulations, ON - IPMAll Classes1(AB,BC,ON)
March 24 202510 amSublethal Effects of 2,4-D on Amphibians and WildlifeAB,SK - Environment, BC - Safety and Environment , MB - RegulationsAerial, Agriculture, Aquatic, Industrial, Forestry, Landscape and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
March 24 202512 noonBackpack, Compressed Air and Handgun Calibration AB,SK - Application Technology, BC - Application Technology, MB - Pest ManagementAll classes except ( aerial, Seed Protectant, and fumigation ) - BC Dispenser1 (AB,BC,MB,ON)
March 24 20252 p.m.What to Wear Lets Take Personal Protective Gear SeriouslyAB,SK - Health and Safety, BC - Safety and Environment, MB - Regulations All Classes and BC Dispenser1 (AB,SK,BC,MB)
March 24 20256 p.m.Applying IPM to Manage Canada Thistle, Scentless Chamomile and ToadflaxAB,SK - Pest Management , BC - IPM, MB - Pest ID and Biology Aerial, Agriculture, Forestry, Industrial, Landscape and BC Dispenser1(AB,BC,MB,ON)
March 25 202510 a.m.Balancing Spray Drift vs. Spray CoverageAB,SK - Application Technology , BC - Application Technology, MB - Pest Management Agriculture Forestry Industrial Landscape and BC Dispenser 1(AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
March 25 202512 noonDeveloping New PesticidesAB,SK - Regulations, BC - Safety and Environment, MB - RegulationsAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB)
March 25 20252 p.m.Pesticide Investigation and Labelling Incident AnalysisRegulationsAll Classes1(AB)
March 25 20256 p.m.IPM-Principles and TechniquesAB,SK - Pest Management, BC - IPM, MB -Definition and Elements of IPMAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,BC,MB,ON)
March 26 202510 a.m.Perception of RiskAB,SK - Health and Safety, BC - Safety and Environment, MB - RegulationsAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB)
March 26 202512 noonUsing Global Positioning Systems (GPS) and Weather Stations to Make Pesticide Application RecordsAB,SK - Application Technology, BC - Application Technology, MB - Definition and Elements of IPMAerial, Agriculture, Industrial, Forestry, Landscape, Aquatic, Biting Fly and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
March 26 20252 p.m.Environmental MonitoringAB,SK - Environment, BC - Safety and Environment, MB - RegulationsAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB)
March 26 20256 p.m.Pest Control Products ActAB,SK - Regulations, BC - IPM, MB - RegulationsAll Classes and BC Dispenser 1(AB,SK, BC,MB,ON)
April 14 202510 a.mRinsate ManagementAB,SK - Application Technology , BC - Application Technology , MB - Pest ManagementAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
April 14 202512 noonProtecting PollinatorsAB-Environment, BC - Safety and Environment, Aerial, Agriculture, Forestry, Landscape, Industrial1(AB,BC)
April 14 20252 p.m.Question Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader AB,SK - Regulations, BC-Safety and Environment, MB-Regulations All Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,BC,MB)
April 14 20256 p.m.Factors that Affect the Leaching of HerbicidesAB-Environment, ON - IPMAerial, Agriculture, Landscape, Industrial, Forestry, Greenhouse, Aquatic1(AB,BC,ON)
April 15 202510 a.m.BiopesticidesAB-Pest ManagementAll Classes and BC Dispenser1(AB,BC)
April 15 202512 noonBackpack, Compressed Air and Handgun Calibration AB,SK - Application Technology, BC - Application Technology, MB - Pest ManagementAll classes except ( aerial, Seed Protectant, and fumigation ) - BC Dispenser1 (AB,BC,MB,ON)
April 15 20252 p.m.Agricultural Health Study Cancer RisksHealth and Safetyall1(AB)
April 15 20256 p.m.Why Pesticides Get Into WatersPest ManagementAll1(AB,BC,ON,SK,MB)
April 16 202510 a.m.Fatigue ManagementAB, SK - Health and Safety, BC - Safety and environmentAll Classes and BC Dispenser1 (AB,SK,BC)
April 16 202512 noonPesticide Applicator RecordsAB,SK - Application Technology, BC - Application Technology, MB - RegulationsAll Classes1(AB,SK,BC,MB,ON)
April 16 20252 p.m.Alberta Legislation UpdateRegulationsAll classes1 (AB)
April 16 20256 p.m.Agricultural Health Study Non cancer RisksHealth and SafetyAll1(AB)