=== Food and Drink Menu === Contributors: NateWr Author URI: https://github.com/NateWr Plugin URL: https://themeofthecrop.com Requires at Least: 4.6 Tested Up To: 4.8 Tags: restaurant menu, cafe, coffee, restaurant, food, drink, dining, cuisine Stable tag: 1.5.2 License: GPLv2 or later Donate link: https://themeofthecrop.com Create a restaurant menu for cafes, bars and eateries, and display it in templates, posts, pages and widgets. == Description == Create a restaurant menu for cafes, bars and eateries, and display it in templates, posts, pages and widgets. This plugin creates two new post types, Menu Items and Menus, which can be used to easily construct a menu. Create items on your menu, group them into sections and then build menus out of them. * Unlimited menus and menu items * Add a photo and one or many prices for each menu item * Menu sections can include guidance, such as "All entrees come with a side salad or fries" * Add a footer to each menu for legal disclaimers or other notes * Display your menu or menu item in pages, posts and navigation menus or use the custom post type format * Use the widget to display your menu in a sidebar * Responsive menu layout to improve mobile viewing * Templates to easily customize the output of menus and menu items * Compatible with WPML for multi-language sites * Support for Schema.org menu URL when using [Business Profile](https://wordpress.org/plugins/business-profile/) Get discounts, specials, dietary icons and more in the [Pro addon](https://themeofthecrop.com/plugins/food-and-drink-menu/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu). [Theme of the Crop](https://themeofthecrop.com/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu) helps you build better restaurant websites. Find the [best WordPress restaurant themes](https://themeofthecrop.com/themes/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu) and plugins for restaurants to [take online reservations](https://themeofthecrop.com/plugins/restaurant-reservations/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu) and [boost their SEO](https://themeofthecrop.com/restaurant-seo/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu). = How to use = Read the [help guide](http://doc.themeofthecrop.com/plugins/food-and-drink-menu/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu) for help creating and displaying your menus, advanced tutorials and more. = Tutorials = * [Customize the menu templates](https://themeofthecrop.com/2014/01/28/customize-restaurant-menu-templates/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu) * [Create a complex menu layout](https://themeofthecrop.com/2014/07/31/achieve-complex-menu-layouts-food-drink-menu/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu) * [Style each section differently](https://themeofthecrop.com/2014/08/19/give-section-restaurant-menu-unique-style/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu) Follow me on [Twitter](https://twitter.com/themeofthecrop) or [Google+](https://plus.google.com/+Themeofthecrop), or [sign up](https://themeofthecrop.com/about/mailing-list/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu) to my mailing list for more tutorials and tips. = Developers = This plugin is packed with hooks so you can extend and customize it to your delight. Take a look at the [Developer Documentation](http://doc.themeofthecrop.com/plugins/food-and-drink-menu/developer/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu). This plugin is [on GitHub](https://github.com/NateWr/food-and-drink-menu "Food and Drink Menu at Github") so fork it up. == Installation == 1. Unzip `food-and-drink-menu.zip` 2. Upload the contents of `food-and-drink-menu.zip` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 3. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 4. Create Menu Items and add them to Menus from the WordPress admin dashboard. See the [help guide](http://doc.themeofthecrop.com/plugins/food-and-drink-menu/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu) for more information. == Frequently Asked Questions == = Where can I find more documentation? = Read the [help guide](http://doc.themeofthecrop.com/plugins/food-and-drink-menu/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu) for help creating and displaying your menus. If you want to extend the plugin, take a look at the [developer documentation](http://doc.themeofthecrop.com/plugins/food-and-drink-menu/developer/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu). = I want more features = A Pro version is available which features: * Comprehensive icons to indicate dietary and ethical requirements, including organic, gluten-free, kosher, halal and many more * Discounted prices * Custom menu item flags to attach any information to any menu item * Badges for item features, specials and sales * Google maps to show off local suppliers or ethical sourcing programs It can be purchased at [Theme of the Crop](http://themeofthecrop.com/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu "Buy the Food and Drink Menu Pro plugin"). = More questions and answers = Find answers to even more questions in the [FAQ](http://doc.themeofthecrop.com/plugins/food-and-drink-menu/user/faq?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu) == Screenshots == 1. Classic menu style in a two-column layout 2. Classic menu style in a single-column layout 3. Opt to use basic CSS only to adopt your theme's typography 4. Add menu items with photos like regular WordPress posts 5. Layout your menu with a point-and-click interface 6. Upgrade to Food and Drink Menu Pro at [Theme of the Crop](http://themeofthecrop.com/?utm_source=Plugin&utm_medium=Plugin%20Description&utm_campaign=Food%20and%20Drink%20Menu "Buy the Food and Drink Menu Pro plugin") for discounted prices, sales and specials, custom dietary icons, and more == Changelog == = 1.5.2 (2017-03-31) = * Fix: #36 Problem where custom menu section titles in second column didn't save = 1.5.1 (2017-03-02) = * Fix: Problem which caused single prices in some setups to appear several times * Fix: Menu item filtering can sometimes lead to URLs that are too long * Fix: Prevent error message when running with an outdated version of Food and Drink Menu Pro = 1.5 (2016-11-15) = * Add: Support for multiple prices per item * Add: Edit prices from the list of menu items * Add: Unique per-menu titles for sections * Add: Choose to display your menu in a page template * Add: Support for schema.org menu URL if using Business Profile * Add: Support for upcoming post type templates in WP 4.7 * Update: Drag-and-drop support for arranging sections in menus * Update: Combine admin areas into one navigation menu * Update: Add menu section slug to menu section CSS classes * Update: Improve compatibility with WordPress.org plugin directory translations * Update: Increase minimum WP version to 4.6 = 1.4.3 (2016-03-25) = * Fix: menu item pagination can sometimes skip menu items * Fix: rare price display issues on small screens * Add: new admin labels * Other: improve compatibility with WP-CLI * Other: updated links to documentation = 1.4.2 (2014-11-04) = * Improved compatibility with WPML for multi-language sites * Minor tweaks to reduce CSS conflicts in menu layout = 1.4.1 (2014-08-24) = * Fix: nested `the_content` filters cause plugin conflicts * Fix: Menu Section taxonomy should not be hierarchical * Update Simple Admin Pages library to v2.0.a.7 = 1.4 (2014-07-18) = * Add support for menu and menu item archives, including taxonomies * Add columns and filters to the admin list of menus and menu items * Updated .pot file for translation = 1.3.2 (2014-07-03) = * Improve CSS formatting and reduce potential for conflicts * Fix: setting to load no CSS styles works again * Fix: menu shortcodes with show_title or show_content would automatically show both = 1.3.1 (2014-05-14) = * Update Simple Admin Pages library to improve compatibility with Restaurant Reservations plugin = 1.3 (2014-05-09) = * Update Simple Admin Pages library to version 2 * Move settings page under the Menu tab * Fix i8n localization for a couple of strings = 1.2.2 (2014-04-23) = * Minor maintenance release = 1.2.1 (2014-04-01) = * Fix: errors in multisite. Use FDM_PLUGIN_DIR with require_once() calls * Fix: Notice thrown when the_content filter called outside of loop = 1.2 (2014-02-12) = * Add a POT file for easier language translations * Add support for displaying menu title and content when using a shortcode * Add support for menu footers to display legal notices or other content = 1.1.4 (2014-02-07) = * Fix PHP error notice that appeared if an empty section was rendered (h/t [Remco Verweij](https://github.com/verweijder) for reporting) = 1.1.3 (2014-02-03) = * Fix CSS error with the Classic style = 1.1.2 (2014-01-25) = * Minor maintenance release = 1.1.1 (2014-01-24) = * Minor maintenance release = 1.1 (2014-01-23) = * Major refactor of code to separate concerns * Implemented templates to control and customize output of menus and menu items * Added new hooks to easily implement custom styles * Improved custom post type page output for menus and menu items * Try to block more cases where menu items show a bullet point * Filter menu item post content so proper formatting is displayed * Updated version of Simple Admin Pages used = 1.0.2 (2013-12-12) = * Bumped the version number to fix tagging issues with WordPress plugin repository = 1.0.1 (2013-12-12) = * Update admin icons to support 3.8 = 1.0 (2013-12-05) = * Initial release == Upgrade Notice == = 1.5.2 = This maintenance update fixes a bug that prevented changes to menu section names from being saved when they were listed in the second column. = 1.5.1 = This minor maintenance update fixes a couple of rare, non-critical bugs. = 1.4.3 = This update fixes a couple of minor bugs, improves compatibility with WP-CLI and provides links to the new online documentation = 1.4.2 = This update brings Food and Drink Menu in full compliance with the WPML plugin for multi-language sites. = 1.4.1 = This update fixes a conflict with some plugins which would prevent the menus from displaying properly. = 1.4 = This update adds filters and columns to the list of menus and menu items in the admin panel, to help those who manage a lot of menu items. It also adds support for archive pages, so you can now link to a list of all items in a Menu Section (and Item Flag for Pro users). = 1.3.2 = This update fixes the shortcode show_title and show_content attributes, fixes the setting which allows you to load no CSS code, and reduces the chances for CSS conflicts. = 1.3.1 = This update is a minor maintenance release to update a library shared with the Restaurant Reservations plugin. If you use both plugins, please update. = 1.3 = This update fixes a couple strings that could not be translated and upgrades a library powering the settings panel to improve performance slightly. = 1.2.2 = This minor update just indicates its been tested with WordPress 3.9. = 1.2.1 = This update fixes an error that occurs when using the plugin with WordPress Multisite as well as a PHP Notice that could occur if the shortcode was called outside of the loop. = 1.2 = This update adds support for menu footers, so you can add legal notices or other content (ie - "All dishes prepared in a kitchen that contains nuts."). Shortcodes can now display menu titles and post content. A POT file was added to make language translations easier for you. = 1.1.4 = This update fixes a small error that would appear if a menu contained a section with no menu items. = 1.1.3 = This update fixes a problem with the Classic style which prevented the font from appearing on some browsers. = 1.1 = This update entailed a major refactor of the code. It now supports display of single menu items in shortcodes and widgets, templates to customize output of menus and menu items, hooks to implement new styles and more. Learn more at themeofthecrop.com. = 1.0.2 = This small update will make the Food and Drink Menu compatible with the new admin dashboard style in WordPress 3.8