=== SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle === Tags: bundle, widget, button, slider, image, carousel, price table, google maps, tinymce, social links Requires at least: 4.2 Tested up to: 4.9.1 Stable tag: 1.12.1 Build time: 2018-07-17T11:59:12+02:00 License: GPLv3 or later Contributors: gpriday, braam-genis Donate link: https://siteorigin.com/downloads/contribution/ The SiteOrigin widget bundle gives you a collection of widgets that you can use and customize. All the widgets are built on our powerful framework, giving you advanced forms, unlimited colours and 1500+ icons. == Description == The SiteOrigin widget bundle gives you a collection of widgets that you can use and customize. All the widgets are built on our powerful framework, giving you advanced forms, unlimited colours and 1500+ icons. Widgets are great. No matter where you’re using them. In a [Page Builder](http://siteorigin.com/page-builder/) page or on your widgetized areas. It's even compatible with other popular page building plugins. [vimeo https://vimeo.com/102103379] The collection is growing, but here’s what we have so far. * Google Maps Widget that's going places. * Button Widget that you’ll love to click. * Image Widget that’ll let you add images everywhere. * Call To Action Widget that’ll get your users performing the actions you want. * Slider Widget that slides images and HTML5 videos. * Price Table Widget that’ll help you sell more. * Post Carousel Widget that displays your posts as a carousel. * Features Widget that lets you display a set of site or service features. * Video Widget to get your videos out there. * Headline Widget to get you noticed. * Social Links Widget to show you're active. * Accordion Widget to compress your content. * Contact Form Widget to let people know you care. * Editor Widget let's you richly edit text anywhere. * Hero Widget that'll save your site design. * Icon Widget for when only icons will do. * Image Grid Widget that'll let you add images everywhere... in a grid. * Layout Slider Widget lets you build layouts on slides using SiteOrigin Page Builder. * Masonry Widget to add images in a masonry layout. * Tabs Widget that'll let you group content into tabbed sections. * Taxonomy Widget to display a post's taxonomies. * Testimonials Widget to show people what your users/customers think of you. Once you enable a widget, you'll be able to use it anywhere standard widgets are used. You can manage your widgets by going to Plugins > SiteOrigin Widgets in your WordPress admin. == Documentation == [Documentation](https://siteorigin.com/widgets-bundle/getting-started/) is available on SiteOrigin. == Support == We offer free support on the [SiteOrigin support forums](https://siteorigin.com/thread/). = Create Custom Widgets = The SiteOrigin Widgets Bundle is the perfect platform to build widgets for your theme or plugin. Read more on our [developer docs](https://siteorigin.com/docs/widgets-bundle/). == Screenshots == 1. Manage which widgets you want enabled or disabled. 2. The button widget shows the clean, standard interface all the widgets use. 3. An example of the button widget. == Changelog == = 1.12.1 - 17 July 2018 = * Contact: Allow non-string values in required field validation. * Initialize CTA, Price Table and Video JS widgets correctly when in accordion/tabs widgets. = 1.12.0 - 11 July 2018 = * Contact: Add dedicated textarea height. * Social Media Buttons: Adds WhatsApp social network. * Features: Allow icon size to use a different unit of measurement. * Repeater field: Update editor id in media buttons when duplicating item with TinyMCE editor. * Posts field: taxonomy description. * Price Table: Disable equalized row heights on mobile. * Beaver Builder: Force icon fonts. * Slider widgets: Added autoplay option for background videos. * Maps: Renamed Google maps script to more sensible `sow.google-map.js` * Editor: Prevent errors when visual editing is disabled for a user. * Optimized images. * Accordion/tabs: Trigger 'setup_widgets' to ensure any widgets in panels are initialized correctly. * Contact: Use 'From' email address if there is no email field in the form. * Hero: Filter out the align field in the button sub-widget form. * Testimonials: Switch mobile and tablet resolution width field descriptions. * Posts field: Allow clearing dates. * Font field: Use correct value for 'Helvetica Neue' and added 'Arial' option. * TA: Additional setting to allow clearing the default background colors. * Contact: Allow a value of '0' for required fields and subject values. = 1.11.8 - 12 April 2018 = * Added action just before rendering widget previews. * Editor: Removed `unwpautop`. * Editor: Ensure TinyMCE field knows whether to apply `autop` or not. * Editor: Only apply `autop` on display when using HTML editor. * Editor: Prevent `widget_text` filters from running `do_shortcode`. = 1.11.7 - 23 March 2018 = * Image: Add title alignment setting. * Button: Add max-width to ensure buttons are responsive. * Hero: New filter for frame content 'siteorigin_hero_frame_content' * Features: Don't set margin for one column left/right feature. * Updated widget icons. * Updated google web fonts. = 1.11.6 - 14 March 2018 = * Hero: Add responsive height settings. * Added pikaday jQuery plugin and register pikaday scripts for front end too. * Features: item float clearing and padding mobile specific. = 1.11.5 - 13 March 2018 = * Features: Better feature padding removal on row ends. * Sliders: WCAG 2.4.4 compliance. * Tabs: Hide widget title when no title is set. * TinyMCE field: Added setting for `wpautop` processing which is on by default. * Contact: When Gradient disabled, set basic background. * Beaver Builder compat: Only set SOWB widget form values when editing a SOWB widget. * Contact: Option to log submitter's IP address. * Add random number and set `more_entropy` to increase chance of unique form ids. * Contact: Added 'tel' field type which should show numeric keyboard on mobile. * Media field: Trigger change event when removing selected image. * Renamed the PHP LESS parser to `SiteOrigin_LessC` to avoid conflicts. * Date range field: Prevent initializing date range fields multiple times and ensure date format consistent. * Register pikaday as common script and enqueue as needed in fields. * Google Map: Show satellite map type. * Translation: Add context to From strings. * Add missing semicolons to Ionicons codes. = 1.11.4 - 7 February 2018 = * Slider: Add playsinline for Video backgrounds for iOS. * Repeater field: Trigger change events for repeater when adding, removing or duplicating items. * TinyMCE field: Removed special handling for TinyMCE fields when retrieving data. Just use field value directly. * Fixed build overwriting some CSS files. = 1.11.3 - 10 January 2018 = * Hero: Add margin-top to so-widget-sow-button for spacing. * Accordion: Added overflow to prevent Image overlap. * Google Maps: Always register Google Maps script. * Social Buttons: Mobile Alignment global widget settings * Contact Form: Ability to control the width of the submit button. * Contact Form: Add alignment options for submit button. * Contact Form: Setting submit button gradient intensity to 0 removes gradient. * Contact Form: Add success and error hooks. * Accordion: Don't output widget title if not set. * Accordion: Icon title collapse fix. * Contact Form: Add placeholder for field type input. * Button: Icon placement setting. * Hero: Adjustable Paragraph text shadow. * Hero: Add font family setting for paragraphs. * Hero: Add link color picker. * Slider field: allow float values and allow specifying step size. * Contact Form: Add ability to set onclick and id for submit button. * Features: Add ability to control responsive breakpoint. * Global Settings: Add support for global settings added by themes. * Beaver Builder Compat: Don't enqueue assets when all widgets are deactivated. * Hero: Text font empty check. * Contact Form: Preserve existing location hash when contact form is submitted. * Post Selector: Only include current post id in exclusion if singular. * Copy correct radio values when duplicating repeater items. * Checkbox field: Parse string value 'false' in checkbox field sanitization. = 1.11.2 - 27 November 2017 = * Fix compatibility with Beaver Builder Lite. * Tabs: Recalculate height on resize. = 1.11.1 - 24 November 2017 = * Hero: Allow for shortcodes to work. * Fix posts field not displaying selected values when multiple selected. * Widgets Page: Fix missing icon issue on windows. * Trigger 'hide' and 'show' events in Accordion and Tabs widgets when toggling content. * Fix Google Maps widget not displaying when map is initially hidden. * Fix Beaver Builder compatibility. * Builder field: Pass builder type when setting up builder fields. * Tabs: Use correct variable for tab anchor. * Repeater field: Prevent radio inputs values being cleared in repeaters when sorting. * Accordion: Added title field. * Fix PHP version compatibility checker errors. = 1.11.0 - 7 November 2017 = * New Tabs widget! * Contact: mention it's possible to send to multiple emails. * Features: Fixes margin causing extended page. * Presets field. * Accordion: Add Repeater Label Title. * Hero: ability to select an image size. * TinyMCE field: Remember last selected editor. * Add rel="noopener noreferrer" for all 3rd party/unknown links. * Social Media Buttons Widget: comply WCAG 2.4.4 = 1.10.2 - 20 October 2017 = * Fix for links sometimes not working in slider widgets. * Fix multi-measurement field labels. = 1.10.1 - 13 October 2017 = * Fix subwidget fields initializion when not contained in a section. * TinyMCE field: fix initialization in repeaters. = 1.10.0 - 11 October 2017 = * New Accordion widget! * Prevent multiple initialization of media field. * Use correct path for widget banner when defined in a theme. * Video: Added option to show/hide related YouTube videos at end of video. * Slider: Handle links inside slider frames first and then allow processing of frame background clicks. * Give repeated fields in widget fields unique ids for state handling. * New multi-measurement field. * Widget Manager Path Comparison fix. (allows for settings to work) * Button: Use `esc_js` instead of `esc_attr` for onclick. = 1.9.10 - 14 September 2017 = * TinyMCE field: fixed issue with filter for TinyMCE plugins. * Added teaser messages for SiteOrigin Premium addons. = 1.9.9 - 31 August 2017 = * Avoid using relative paths in asset URLs. * Fixed compat with latest Elementor update. = 1.9.8 - 21 August 2017 = * Use WordPress functions to exit AJAX actions. * TinyMCE field: Initialized once. * TinyMCE field: Simplified switching between TinyMCE and QuickTags. * TinyMCE field: Check if individual TinyMCE settings are encoded as JSON and decode before re-encoding all settings. * Some compat fixes for Elementor. * TinyMCE field: Temporarily disable Jetpack Grunion editor. * Use correct JS dependencies for Beaver Builder compatibility when `WP_DEBUG` not defined. * Removed unnecessary enqueues in Beaver Builder compat for dashicons and wp media scripts. * Post carousel: Only handle horizontal swipes. = 1.9.7 - 11 August 2017 = * Contact: Added user configurable field for 'From:' address. * TinyMCE field: Use editor stylesheets for new TinyMCE editor. * TinyMCE field: Use UTF-8 encoding for text output. * Sliders: Check whether `$frames` is empty before using. * Google Maps: Prevent automatic center for routes. = 1.9.6 - 4 August 2017 = * Slider: Background Video: Try embedding the video if oEmbed fails. * Contact: Added some nonce checks. * Contact: add reply-to header. * Remove elementor panel width override. * Editor: Fix TinyMCE editor button filters in WP >= 4.8. * Editor: Preserve encoded HTML entities in TinyMCE field. * TinyMCE field: Added missing `tiny_mce_before_init` filter. = 1.9.5 - 25 July 2017 = * Fixed icon field selection. * TinyMCE field is initialized when quicktags is selected. * Autocomplete field only initialized once. * Posts field sanitization handles multiple post types. = 1.9.4 - 24 July 2017 = * Using new Editor JS API for TinyMCE field. * Carousel: apply static position on `.overlay`. * Layout Slider: Add ability to set Background image to Title and spaced the code. * Add capabilities check to widget activation action. * Testimonial: Corrected typo in description and corrected formatting. * Enabling translation for "From:" in contact mail. = 1.9.3 - 3 July 2017 = * Editor: Fix settings form label. * Don't select the external fallback field as value input. * Social media buttons: Don't output calls when missing network name. * Use gettext for widget global settings dialog title. * Image: Added link attributes to template variables. * Image grid: Use `get_template_variables`. * Image grid: Template code structure a bit more readable. * Simple masonry: Assign link attributes in `get_template_variables`. * Slider widget: Output link attributes. * Features: Remove redundant paragraph from template. * Google Maps: Fix issue when no matches found in maps API error string. * Google Maps: Mention required Google Maps APIs in field descriptions. * Google Maps: Localized strings used in JS. * Elementor 1.5: Ensure widgets' setup scripts are run after editing. = 1.9.2 - 8 June 2017 = * Post Carousel: default image for posts without featured images. * Social Media Buttons: allow empty colors. * Editor: prevent text processing for cache and post content rendering. * Post selector field: Fix additional args encoding. * Post selector field: Fix taxonomy search. = 1.9.1 - 1 June 2017 = * Fixed Maps widget JS error. = 1.9 - 30 May 2017 = * Compatibility with Visual Composer. * Taxonomy widget text display. * Price table widget: option to make feature row heights equal. * New posts selector field based on other existing fields. * New autocomplete field. Currently supports showing results from posts and taxonomies. * New date-range field with option to select specific or relative dates. * Editor widget: Global widget setting for default 'autop' state. * Some layout fixes for widget forms in Elementor. * Google Maps: fallback image when maps API not available or returns error. * Contact form: Reduced intensity of disabled button styling. * Google Maps: Fix markers not displaying when queries are rate limited. * Features: Option to use specified icon size for custom icon images. * Updated FontAwesome icon set to 4.7.0 * Updated IcoMoon icon set. * Contact form: Allow duplicate forms on same page. * Widget temp backup in browser storage. * Google Maps: Custom marker icon for each marker. * Option to specify default number of visible rows in icon field. * Changed PHP LESS compiler to a better maintained version. = 1.8.6 - 10 May 2017 = * Editor widget supports Jetpack Markdown. * Editor widget global setting for enabling/disabling 'autop' by default. * Allow setting FitText compressor strength in hero and headline widgets. * Fix variable name in `enqueue_registered_styles`. * Fix FitText not working previews. = 1.8.5 - 27 April 2017 = * Fixed button hover class. = 1.8.4 - 27 April 2017 = * Fixed button URLs. * Removed image `sizes` attribute when Jetpack Photon is enabled. * Fixed missing widget handling for misnamed widgets. = 1.8.3 - 26 April 2017 = * Contact Form: Improved type Validation and added empty name check * Contact Form: Add Field Design Settings * Testimonial: Add responsive image sizes settings * Added checks to prevent PHP warnings * Improved handling of empty order fields. * Small code refactoring in price table widget. * Ensure all SiteOrigin widgets are grouped together in Page Builder. * Slider: Remove slider sentinel contents to avoid things like duplicated video iframe for embedded videos * Fix TinyMCE z-index. * Headline: Fixed typo that tied subheadline new window to headline * Ensure fittext is done before setting up hero slider. * Ensure google font fields work in live editors/previews. * Features: Allow specifying position of features widgets icons. * Added * next to labels of required fields. * Make required field indicator optional and display legend when enabled. * Set default color option in wpColorPicker. * Small refactor to make more use of `get_template_variables`. * Button: Added field for `rel` attribute. * Maps: Added setting for global Google API key. * Small fix to allow checkboxes to act as 'conditional' state emitters. * Features: Change text form field to a tinymce field * Properly work with new Page Builder caching system * Ensure footer templates only printed when editing with Elementor. * Small IE8 fix * Contact: Prevent form fields from having 0px height if no height specified. * Fixed Google Maps info windows. * Image: Don't output empty attributes. * Don't attempt to load maps API if already loaded. = 1.8.2 - 1 April 2017 = * Compatibility with upcoming Page Builder 2.5 release. * Fixed compatibility with Elementor 1.4+. * Fixed incompatibility with Jetpack. = 1.8.1 - 3 February 2017 = * Fixed empty array warning. * Contact Form: Prevent empty title markup from being echoed. * Contact Form: Display email after name * Slider: Account for 0 speed. * Features: Fix sizing issue when using images instead of icons. * Use default unit if missing for measurement fields. * Price Table: Shortcode support for feature text. * Testimonial: Updated text radius label and fixed resulting functionality. * Revert change made to post search for link field. * Link Field: Make sure we have a valid post_types value. = 1.8 - 31 January 2017 = * Introduced compatibility system. * Added compatibility with Elementor and Beaver Builder. * Ensure radio inputs in repeaters have their checked property set correctly. * Various Call to Action widget improvements. * Use `text-align: center;` for features icons. * Always use HTTPS for Google Webfonts. * Post Selector: Exclude current post id * Post Selector: Add filter returned query * Post Carousel: Prevent empty title output. * Google Maps: Add ability to set link for Static Map. * Social Links: Add title field and title attributes for links. * Features: Add title text field for features * Button Widget: Add Font setting * Contact: Add radio field Type * Taxonomy: New Window Setting * Added a way of specifying post types for link field. * Introduced a global widget setup action. = 1.7.2 - 09 November 2016 = * Made fixes to pass PHP 7 compatibility checks. * Image Widget: Get alt and title text from chosen image. * Replaced markup parser with more actively maintained one. * Simple Masonry: ensure resize on load * Image Grid: Allow 0 as valid spacing value. * Editor Widget: Call `WP_Embed::run_shortcode` on Editor widget content * Maps: Added missing `typeof` causing maps api not to load properly. * Icon: Fixed URL output. * Fixed double slash in URLs. * Features: Use Measurement fields. * Apply modify_form to form arrays created in the constructor. * Contact Form: add email default email subject if no subject defined. = 1.7.1 - 21 September 2016 = * Fixed case of Maps widget in sidebar causing an error on pages without that sidebar. * Fixed icon field CSS. = 1.7 - 20 September 2016 = * Added mechanism for creating global widget setting. * Added mechanism for adding dismissible notices to widget forms. * Unified Google Maps JS working for maps widget and contact form location field. * Added icon search for icon field. * Added remove button to icon field. * Contact Form: Fixed clash with Firefox field validation. * Properly display remove button after importing Pixabay image. = 1.6.5 - 15 August 2016 = * Fixed dialog z-index. * Added field required argument. * Properly trigger change for image search import. * Sanitize arg can now be a callback. * Improved multi checkbox field * Maps: Just call initialization function if maps API already loaded. = 1.6.4 - 21 July 2016 = * More settings and customizability for Headline widget. * Added FitText to Headline and Hero Image widgets. * Fixed Pixabay image importing. = 1.6.3 - 19 July 2016 = * Added image search functionality to media field. * Moved actions into their own file. * Allow widgets to provide their own LESS/HTML. * Added very simple code field. * Multiple widgets can have the same class. Allowing widget functionality to come from configuration. * Various tweaks for upcoming Widgets Builder plugin. = 1.6.2 - 11 July 2016 = * Fixed Firefox issue in post selector builder. * Properly escape all uses off add_query_arg. * Added filter after video = 1.6.1 - 24 June 2016 = * Social Links: Fixed auto-filling of network colors. * Social Links: Added 500px network. * Social Links: Added title tag to link tags. * Maps: Prevent JS error in when maps widget script is enqueued but widget isn't displayed. * Maps: Made API field more prominent as it's now required by the Google Maps API. * Added more general error checking. = 1.6 - 21 June 2016 = * Added builder field. * Added new multi checkboxes field. * Added Layout Slider widget. * Added taxonomy widget. * Added slider wrapper attributes and filter. * Fix for measurement field inside a repeater. * Modified base folder to work independently of Widgets Bundle. * Added custom icon families callback argument to icon field. * Properly handle attachments in post selector * Contact Form: Refactored form fields. * Hero Image: Added image type to Hero Image widget. * Button: Handle empty width. * Image: Added filter for SiteOrigin image attributes. * Image: Add dimensions to sizes dropdown. * Maps: Ensure maps widget works with API key. * Hero Image: Added setting to disable swipe on mobile Hero Image Widget. * Fixed title syntax in Image widget. * Video: Correctly get video file mime-types. * Video Widget: Allow specifying multiple self-hosted video sources to support various formats. = 1.5.11 - April 11 2016 = * Fixed features widget container shape setting. = 1.5.10 - April 5 2016 = * Added Icon widget. * Moved widget form arrays into separate functions to improve performance. * Cache widget style CSS if it can't be saved to filesystem. * Improved preview checking so preview style CSS isn't stored. * Contact Form: Improved instance hashing for compatibility with Yoast SEO. * Contact Form: Added description field and customisation. * Slider: Ensure correct styles are applied to slider images when a link is defined. * Features: Allow user to select size for uploaded icon image. * Price Table: Ensure feature icons always vertically centered, alongside feature text. = 1.5.9 - February 26 2016 = * Contact Form: Fixed hash checking for duplicate emails. * Contact Form: Replace default emails with admin_email. = 1.5.8 - February 26 2016 = * Skip empty sidebars when loading widget scripts. * Changes to cache clearing. * Typo corrections. * Fixed conflict with Child Theme Configurator. * Image Grid widget: Using correct field and image size names to determine image sizes. * Editor widget: Added shortcode unautop to Editor widget. * Contact Form widget: Added check to prevent email resends in contact form widget. * Masonry widget: properly handles full width rows in Page Builder. * Hero Image widget: Fix backgrounds URL. * Price Table widget: Skip empty buttons. * Maps Widget: Allow clicking markers to reopen info windows if closed. = 1.5.7 - February 4 2016 = * Restored old class name for Image Grid Widget. = 1.5.6 - January 23 2016 = * Fixed widget name migration * Fixed hero image height issue. * Fixed admin page layout. = 1.5.5 - January 21 2016 = * Changed widget folder names to make them less verbose. * Properly handle LESS compile errors. * Fixed regex causing only the first 10 TinyMCE fields to be initialized. * Fixed sanitization in the contact form. * Fixed Google webfont function. * Fixed image output for slider base. * Image Widget: Added alignment options. * Contact Form: Use anchor to return to form after submit * Change default caps to manage options. * Contact form widget: fixed - form in customizer doesn't resize. * Price Table: Added image alt tags. * Editor Widget: Fixed issue where only admins can view unfiltered content. * Editor Widget: Fixed issue where Editor Widget was removing new lines in code. * Post Selector Field: Support for date fields. * Maps Widget: Fixed Lat/Long coordinate handling. * Masonry widget: fixed layout and sizing. * Image Widget: Allow display of image title above or below image. * Added more relative measurement units to base. * Hero Image Widget: Added height setting. * Testimonial widget: Prevent outputting related image HTML if no image is set. * Testimonial Widget: Use testimonial URLs to link location and optionally link names and images. * Contact Form: Prevent multiple submit button clicks. * Image Widget: Add support for srcset to Image widget * Contact Form: Allow user to set field label position. * Contact Form: Allow user to set field label font styles. * Contact Form: Allow user setting focussed field outline styles. * Contact Form: Don't do recaptcha validation in admin preview. = 1.5.4 - November 18 2015 = * Fixed compatibility with PHP 5.2 = 1.5.3 - November 17 2015 = * Fixed defaults for Features widget and Hero Image widget. * Fixed previewing for Editor widget. * Change measurement field to work as single string. * Use new measurement field for existing widgets. * Carousel widget supports RTL. = 1.5.2 - November 10 2015 = * Removed word break style from headline widget. * Fixed image grid URL field. * Added more text styling options to features widget. * Added measurement field to use in various widgets. * Prefix function name in Google Map widget to prevent conflicts. * Fixed styling for contact form widget. * Fix to allow multiple duplicated contact forms on a single page. * Fixed Hero Image widget button shortcode in text mode. * TinyMCE fields maintain editor state. * Added support for WP Canvas Shortcodes in TinyMCE field. * Don't initialize TinyMCE outside the admin. * Added more styling to contact form submit button. = 1.5.1 - October 7 2015 = * Fixed: Issue with Call To Action widget being missing. = 1.5 - October 5 2015 = * Fixed: Conflict between WPML and repeaters. * Added Simple Masonry Layout widget. * Added Contact Form widget. * Added Image Grid widget. * Added Testimonial widget. * Changed layout of widgets activation page. * Added Trianglify to generate placeholder widget icons. * Added mechanism to use state emitters in repeaters. * Section expanded/collapsed states now stored across form loads. * Display once off admin notice when new widgets are available. * Fixed translation domain. * Editor Widget: Allow more HTML in Editor widget for trusted users. * Hero Image Widget: Added top padding setting. * Hero Image Widget: Can now set background click URL. * Hero Image Widget: Improved handling of buttons shortcode. * Slider Widget : Fixed open in new window setting. * Headline Widget: Added word-break CSS. * Headline Widget: Added option to set type of heading tags used. = 1.4.4 - September 6 2015 = * Fixed issue with slider image widths. = 1.4.3 - September 5 2015 = * Added support for WooCommerce Shortcodes plugin to TinyMCE field. * New streamlined icon selector field. * Added info window functionality to maps widget. * Added a button to duplicate repeater items. * Added more design settings to hero image widget. * Removed full screen mode from TinyMCE field. * Option to keep map centered when container is resized. * Fixed: CSS bug for Google font imports on generated CSS. * Fixed: Post selector for URL fields properly handles empty titles. * Added option to skip auto paragraphs in Editor widget. = 1.4.2 - August 18 2015 = * Urgent fix in preparation for WordPress 4.3 release = 1.4.1 - August 17 2015 = * Updated to latest Font Awesome. * Added TripAdvisor to social links widget. * Allow unfiltered HTML in SiteOrigin Editor Widget if user has rights. * Properly set URL scheme. * Fixed state emitter issue for Google Maps Widget. = 1.4 - July 20 2015 = * Created a base slider widget class. * Converted current slider widget to use base slider. * Fixed image sizing in slider widget. * Added plain background color option to slider widget. * Added new Hero Image widget. * Fixed repeaters in sub items. = 1.3.1 = * Fix to TinyMCE field when moved in Customizer and Widgets interface. * Small developer level improvements. * Fixed autoplay in video widget. * Fixed behaviour of slides in slider widget. = 1.3 = * Added TinyMCE field type. * All fields now use classes to make them easier to extend. * Added SiteOrigin Editor widget. * Made it possible for other plugins to filter default widgets. * Fixed WordPress CLI compatibility. * Added unit tests. * Added networks to social networks widget. * Changed how repeater HTML is stored. = 1.2.4 = * Fixed reference to siteorigin_widgets_is_google_webfont. * Fixed CSS URL. = 1.2.3 = * Fixed Javascript issue with Map widget in customizer. * Added meta box manager. * Small style change to flat button style. * Video widget fixes. = 1.2.2 = * Added video widget with support for self/external videos. * New activate/deactivate widgets interface. * Headline widget CSS fixes. * Dev Feature: Error checking for widget field type. * Dev Feature: Added state emitters. * Dev Feature: Additional hooks and filters. = 1.2.1 = * Removed is_customizer_preview - only available in newer versions of WordPress. = 1.2 = * Added headline widget. * All scripts and styles loaded in header instead of lazy loading. * Added email to social links widget. * Made carousel touch friendly. * Improved input sanitization for HTML input. * Added nonce request checking in carousel widget. * Added sticky field to post selector. * Added function to allow Page Builder to use post selector. * Added a few developer friendly filters. * Fixed: Various customizer related issues. * Fixed: Issue limiting maps widget to 10 markers. * Fixed: Call to action alignment issues. * Fixed: Carousel preview. = 1.1.2 = * Added social links widget. * Framework updates. = 1.1.1 = * Fixed Google Map preview. = 1.1 = * Added powerful Google Maps widget. * Improved data sanitization. * Various UI improvements. = 1.0.6 = * Fixed issues with adding extra widget folders. * Added compatibility with WordPress Customizer. * Added more fields to be used with future widgets. = 1.0.5 = * Removed legacy widget deactivation functions. * Improved how widgets are loaded. = 1.0.4 = * Changed how widget list is loaded to fix issue with widgets list not displaying. = 1.0.3 = * Features widget icons can now be made clickable. = 1.0.2 = * Manage widgets page now does live updates. * Added widget previews. * Fixed wire button widget hover issue. * Old stand alone widget plugins are now deactivated in favor of bundled versions. * Fixed centering of CTA widget. * Fixed color settings in CTA widget. * Fixed button icon color setting. * Small UI improvements. = 1.0.1 = * Clean up of code and bundled widgets. = 1.0 = * Initial release.