=== Nikkon === Contributors: Kaira Donate link: Tags: two-columns, three-columns, four-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, grid-layout, flexible-header, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, custom-logo, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, footer-widgets, full-width-template, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready, e-commerce, photography, portfolio Requires at least: 4.7 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Description == Nikkon is a creative multipurpose WordPress WooCommerce theme designed with a minimal, clean design which is fully responsive and fast loading. Nikkon offers multiple header layouts, multiple footer layouts and multiple page template layouts so you're able to build any type of website you need from a simple blog to a full eCommerce online store. Integrating with top Page Builders, Nikkon will make it fun building your website without and coding knowledge. Download it now... Hope you like it !! Demo - https://demo.kairaweb.com/#nikkon == License == Nikkon WordPress Theme, Copyright 2016 Zack Viljoen. Nikkon is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html. Nikkon WordPress Theme is derived from Underscores WordPress Theme, Copyright 2012 Automattic http://underscores.me/ Underscores WordPress Theme is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. All Javascript is located in /js/ with license headers where appropriate. == Bundled Licenses == jQuery carouFredSel 6.2.1 Copyright (c) 2013 Fred Heusschen http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MIT_License http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License FontAwesome - Copyright 2012 Dave Gandy License: MIT License http://fontawesome.io/license/ * The Photo in screenshot.png is from unsplash.com and licensed Creative Commons 0 (CC0) * Photos in the Nikkon demo site are from unsplash.com and licensed Creative Commons 0 (CC0) * Photos in the Nikkon demo slider are from unsplash.com and licensed Creative Commons 0 (CC0) Unsplash - Distributed under the terms of CC0 1.0 Universal License (Public Domain). https://unsplash.com/license == Installation == 1. In your admin panel, go to Appearance -> Themes and click the Add New button. 2. Click Upload and Choose File, then select the theme's .zip file. Click Install Now. 3. Click Activate to use your new theme right away. Nikkon's Customizer Settings: --------------- The theme settings are built into the WordPress Customizer using "Customizer Library" by Devin Price, situated in /customizer/. license: GPL 2.0+ https://github.com/devinsays/customizer-library/blob/master/composer.json The Nikkon upgrade situated in /upgrade/ displays the features that the premium version includes. Nikkon version is licensed under GPL 2.0+ All setting are self explanatory or have notes explaining what they do or how to use the theme settings. View the theme settings under "Appearance" -> Customize. = Quick Specs (all measurements in pixels) = 1. Featured Images work best at a minimum of 1100 wide and 420 high. == Changelog == #### 10.2.7 * Style tweaks/fixes * Added extra page setting to move content below post blocks loop * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.2.6 * Style tweaks/fixes * Fixed CSS for the setting to remove all lines on Split Header Layout * GDPR - Added Setting to disable Google Fonts - Site then uses websafe fonts - Arial & Garamond * Added setting to remove WooCommerce Product Gallery Zoom * Added setting to remove WooCommerce Product Gallery LightBox * Updated the screenshot.png * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.2.5 * Style tweaks/fixes * Added setting to customize all titles (Site Title, Desctiprtion, Widget Titles, Posts) for better SEO * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.2.4 * Updated Theme Tags * Style tweaks/fixes - GDPR * Added setting to remove blog single page Next & Previous post links * Added setting to Add/Enable a Back To Top button - Customize -> Nikkon Settings -> Footer * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.2.3 * WooCommerce & Nikkon CSS tweaks/fixes * Updated WooCommerce deprecated functions * Updated WooCommerce header cart to work with taxes * Fix mobile menu to close when screen resizes up * Improve responsiveness of blog blocks * Added setting to select which image cut the Blog uses * Added setting to adjust Blog Blocks layout spacing * Added internal user help links into Customizer * Added setting to change Site Title to lowercase * Added setting to change Site Tagline to lowercase * Added setting to change main Navigation to lowercase * Added setting to replace default search with any other plugin search shortcode * Improved Blocks layout hover titles - centered * Added some extra/other useful settings * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.2.2 * Fix do_shorcode for adding shortcode slider * Added NEW side social icons * Added setting to change Side Social Links design - Square or Round * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.2.1 * Neatened Customizer Settings * Added setting to remove Footer Address * Added setting for Address/extra text in the header & option to remove it * Added setting to edit search bar placeholder text * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.2.0 * Style tweaks/fixes * Added WooCommerce drop down cart/basket option to Nikkon headers * Added color settings for new WooCOmmerce drop down cart/basket * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.1.9 * Style tweaks/fixes * Added setup help link * Adjusted/neatened Customizer Settings * Added setting to remove all header & slider lines * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.1.8 * Small theme css/html changes * Added Vimeo social link * Added new setting to adjust website container width * Added more help links for setup * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.1.7 * Style tweaks/fixes * Updated recommended plugins * Added missing text translations * Added compatibility for Max Mega Menu - Customize -> Plugin Support * Added setting to remove header social icons * Added setting to remove footer social icons * Added setting to set custom Site Tagline font * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.1.6 * Style tweaks/fixes * Fix/Improve Default Slider responsiveness * Added settings to show Site Title & Tagline with an uploaded logo * Extra setting to adjust Logo & Title/Tagline positioning * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.1.5 * Style tweaks/fixes * Updated/Improved JS for Blog Masonry Grid layout #### 10.1.4 * Styling tweaks/fixes * Neatened up Theme Customizer Settings * Added setting to adjust WooCommerce products shown per page * Added setting to set WooCommerce products per row * Added setting to remove WooCommerce product border * Added Single page settings to remove meta/tags/categories info * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.1.3 * Fixed WooCommerce breadcrumbs overlapping on mobile * Added styling to switch menu direction with custom CSS classes * Added setting to remove pre text from Archive/Category list * Added compatibility for WP Paginate for numbered pagination * Added setting to remove featured images on Blog list pages * Updated WooCommerce deprecated function for ajax * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.1.2 * Styling tweaks/fixes * Fixed breadcrumb responsiveness * Fixed blog bug - hide image space if no featured image is set #### 10.1.1 * Updated/fixed compatibility with new WooCommerce Gallery * Changed comment styling to accommodate for long names * Added new blog settings to display blog list summary/excerpt * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.1.0 * Navigation drop down fix * Responsive styling fixes * Added setting to adjust the default Slider duration * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.0.9 * Responsive styling fixes * Fix setting to remove Page Titles #### 10.0.8 * CSS fix for mobile when Sidebar width is adjusted * Fix Layout color to style top bar navigation drop down #### 10.0.7 * Styling tweaks * Added setting to set the Page Sidebar width * Added setting to set custom links for default slider posts * Added setting to set Shop List/Archive/Single pages to Left Sidebar or Full Width * Added setting to set Blog List/Archive/Single & Search page to Left Sidebar or Full Width * Added setting to add any custom social link needed * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.0.6 * Styling tweaks/fixes * Change slider to use Exceprt is Excerpt is set * Remove social links if none are set * Fix search layout bug * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.0.5 * Added Top Bar menu drop downs * Added setting to place WooCommerce cart in header top bar * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.0.4 * Customizer javascript fix * Added help for setting up Default Slider * Add/Fix Layout Colors setting * Styling tweaks/fixes * Added setting to remove page titles * Post and Page featured images and layout settings * Fixed search on mobile * Added settings to customize site title and sizes * Added over 12 new social links * Updated the language .pot file #### 10.0.3 * Styling tweaks/fixes #### 10.0.2 * Added ability to add a Top Bar menu #### 10.0.1 * Blog post block styling fix * Fix blog grid layout responsive #### 10.0.0 * Initial release.