Coffee News Coffee News ~ News to be enjoyed over coffee. Coffee News ~ News to be enjoyed over coffee.
Coffee News ~ News to be enjoyed over coffee. Coffee News ~ News to be enjoyed over coffee.
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Benefits Of Advertising in Coffee News

  • Ads are less expensive than other print media, so the small business person can easily afford to advertise regularly.
  • All ads are exclusive which means no other company in their category can advertise at the same time. (i.e. Advertisers can eliminate competitive ads.) Small businesses appreciate this bonus.
  • Ads are uniquely designed just for Coffee News so advertisers achieve outstanding results and regularly extend their advertising commitment. Some of our first clients are still advertising in Coffee News, not missing a single week, going on 9 years.
  • Ads can be changed weekly by a phone call, fax or email (via this site).
  • Ads rotate every week so each advertiser has their turn in the most favored spots. Small ads are often obscured in other print media because advertisers with large budgets usually get better placement.
  • Coffee News is only 1 page allowing each client, in essence, to have a front page ad.
  • Ads are working 24 hours per day, seven days per week, consistently delivering your message and producing results!
  • Coffee News is distributed to over 200 Restaurants, Coffee Shops, and Doctor/Dentist waiting rooms between Hampton and Grand Bay. These locations are closely monitored to ensure each location has an adequate supply for the entire week. This means high visibility for you and your business.
  • If it takes ten minutes to read Coffee News and fifteen minutes to read your daily newspaper, where should you be advertising?
Coffee News Coffee News