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Mobile crane and heavy hauling operation has served the Alberta market since 1992 and has established a reputation for service and expertise. The company has 18 cranes as well as heavy duty trucks and trailers to transport cranes and equipment to major construction companies throughout the region. The cranes include 12 hydraulic and 6 conventional cranes with capacities up to 125 T. As well as the cranes and the tractors and trailers the assets also include crane accessories and parts. All the cranes are in good working order and require regular government inspections. The cranes and heavy hauling equipment are not the latest models but the maintenance and painting has been kept up and they can be considered as very functional. The business does not involve real estate ownership and the present leases are not long term. The present owner/manager is prepared to commit his expertise to the extent required by the new purchasers. This is to be considered as an asset sale and not a share sale and there are options as to the very limited liabilities that are outstanding. As well the seller is willing to negotiate a separate deal on any redundant cranes and equipment not required by the purchaser.
Asking price C$ 2 500 000 . Gross Revenue: $2 000 000 . Cash Flow: $500 000 . FF&E: $50 000 included in the asking price.