Our centre was one of the first in Edmonton to use the latest model of LightSheer Laser System. We have XC laser system the world's most advanced treatment for effective removal of unwanted hair. The staff at Edmonton Laser Centre is highly skilled & educated from The American Institute which is a state of the art facility offering world class education in laser & light based hair removal technologies. They understand hair growth, skin physiology & how to use new laser technology to it's maximum advantage. The atmosphere at our centre is caring & professional. At Edmonton Laser Centre we take pride in listening to our clients concerns and educating them on all their treatment options.
Laser Hair Removal
The world's most advanced treatment for effective removal of unwanted hair. Great news for both men and women who want to get rid of excess hair...........!
Fat Dissolving Laser
The Lipo-Laser's non-invasive treatment is considered one of the most innovative methods to reduce the appearance of cellulite and improve body contour. The Lipo-Laser is a validated physician-sponsored study.

- Burns Fat and tones and tightens skin.
- Increases Human Growth Hormone (HGH) output by up to 361%.
- Decreases cellulite and boosts your body's natural collagen production.
- Increase your muscle strength up to 50% in as little as three weeks!
- Improves blood circulation and lymphatic drainage.
- Builds bone density and fights osteoporosis.
- Increase metabolism, helping to burn fat and raise energy levels.
- Reduces your back and joint pain.
- Decrease blood pressure and cortisol levels.
- Dramatically increase your flexibility.
- Improved sense of balance and coordination.
- Elevates your serotonin and neutrophine levels (better mood and sense of well being) Use the VibraSlim Vibration Machine for only 10 minutes a day and GET RESULTS!!!
Why should I use the Noblerex K-1 Vibration Machine ?