RADICA® IS a provisional and diagnostic material that uses light curing technology todeliver highly-esthetic, long-term provisional appliances. The simple, time savingprocedures allow for easy layering of dentin and enamel, for lifelike esthetics

This revolutionary, metal-free restorative system can be employed for crown-and- 1bridge, inlay, and onlay cases. It features two components: Radica System is primarilyrecommended for fabricating metal-free single unit as well as multiple-unit restorations. IIt can also be used as an overlay for metal frameworks for partial dentures and implant cases.
Utilizing Radica In Implant Cases
The use of Targis overlaid metal restorations is especially suitable for implantsuperstructures where esthetics, wear compatibility, and function are of prime importance and critical to long-term success.