
The introduction of leucite-reinforced, pressed ceramics has presented an entirely new selection of alternatives to traditional, metal supported ceramic restorations. This system is indicated for inlays, cnlays, crowns as well as three-unit bridges. IPS Emax restorations have proven to withstand long-term function and provide patients with durable and highly aesthetic results. Another distinct advantage of Emax is the wear compatibility and thus the ability to reestablishproper canine disclusion and anterior guidance without abrading the opposing dentition. This has been a concern when utilizing conventional porcelains.

IPS e.max has become the industry standard material for metal-free all-ceramic restorations. IPS e.max provides unmatched strength (360 - 400 MPa flexuralstrength) and versatility. At Bay View Dental Lab, we use e.max as the primary ceramic material for our layered crowns pressed monolithic crowns, veneers, and inlay /onlays
You will see our work featured In various journals and at seminars around the country You can even see our layered e max featured on Ivoclar's e.max web site.
Pressed full contour all-ceramic crowns provide your best choice for strong, metal free. and highly esthetic restorations. The high translucency lithium disilicate material allows natural tooth color to show through and picks up chameleon effects from the prep and adjacent teeth.

Recent advances In the field of CAD/CAM design have opened a new door In the field ofdentistry This advanced technology, teamed with the high strength of zirconia are creating beautiful, strong , and highly accurate restorations.
Full-contour Zirconia crowns are the strongest, most fracture resistant, tooth colored restorations in dentistry today When a full-cast gold crown is contraindicated due to cost or color. our full-contour zirconia is a material you can prescribe with
Layered zirconia restorations are esthetically exceptional and have shown a lower failure and fracture rate than either metal-ceramic or metal-free ceramic restorations. We offer zirconia bridges, splinted single units, and free standing single unit crowns.

The porcelain fused to metal crown has been the standard in restorative dentistry for decades. The predictability and reliability of PFM crowns have allowed them to stand the tests of both time. and technology_ At Bay View Dental Laboratory we still make all of our crowns in-house. refusing to outsource overseas.
While most patients request tooth color for their restorations a significant number still opt for the beauty and functional stability of gold Gold work is a lost art In many labs, but not here at Say View We use only ADA approved Type II. III. and IV High Noble Alloy.