Fair Access Policy It's important to know that
all high-speed Internet Service Providers utilize "Shared Bandwidth Technology."
Simply put, that means everyone shares one "ultra" high-speed connection
in order to get a high-speed connection at each of their homes. However, in some
cases, as few as 5% of the users can consume as much as 50% of an Internet Service
Provider's bandwidth, making the service run slower for everyone else! DIRECWAY®
understands that your connection is important to you and you expect fair and
equitable access when you go online. We couldn't agree with you more! Our FAIR
ACCESS POLICY has been established to protect you, and other consumers from that
small percentage of users who try to take advantage of the shared connection by
downloading abnormally large amounts of information in a short period of time.
Our Fair Access Policy prevents this from happening, and makes sure that you get
to your "share" of the connection. The FAIR ACCESS POLICY helps
DIRECWAY assure that its subscribers receive equal access to our high-speed Internet
service? We want you to get the service you pay for! > NEXT
> Order Now! > Contact
ST Consultants Ltd in Alberta Canada
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