Tech Trace keeps you in touch with what's going on
in the field. With the Tech Trace remote asset tracking system, you can monitor: - mobile
equipment location
- equipment movements
- equipment performance
- worker
Trace remote monitoring systems require no special software. Tech Trace
operates seamlessly over the Internet, so you can track workers or equipment from
any Internet connection - even from a mobile satellite connection. Password-based
access to the tracking system helps to keep your valuable information safe.
compact STR Satellite transmitter-receiver can be mounted on virtually any vehicle,
or on stationary or moving equipment. Tech Trace communicates with GPS
satellites and L-Band satellites to provide real-time data transfer. Use the tracking
system for vehicle routing and scheduling, ETA estimation, lone worker safety
monitoring-any application where having real-time data is crucial. An optional
Wescor Tablet can be added to provide two-way communication with field crews.
Using the tablet, crews can send or receive text messages, and manually log data. For
more information, contact ST Consultants Ltd. in Edmonton,
Canada. > GPS Asset
Tracking > Equipment Monitoring >
Lone Worker Safety > Employee
Productivity & Time Tracking
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