Peter Moskaliuk 780-478-6204
Vice President:
Brook Miller 780-475-1585
Treasurer: Ed Morrison
Social Director:
Ball Director:
Angela Zenowski 780-472-9388
Jamie Peeling 780-237-8865
Building Director:
VacantSoccer Director:
Ken Ackimenko 780-887-7424
Publicity Director :
VacantFundraising Director:
Grants Director:
Playschool Director:
Kirkness site overseer:
Hairsine Community Executive Committee is looking for the following Volunteer Position to be filled:
All of the below positions are term positions for 2 years and require people that are able to attend meetings once a month, work well in a team environment, and have the best interest of the Community at heart. These positions will be voted in on Wednesday, April 4, 2012 and persons interested need to be in attendance to be nominated and voted in legally.
Ball Director—Our current ball director, Angela Zenowski, is stepping down after 6 great years of hard work and dedication. Angela is stepping down as her term is up and her kids are growing up and moving into other activities and commitments.
A few things the Ball Director is responsible for are: sitting on the Community League Executive and attending meetings once a month, ball registrations, volunteer hours, working with North East Zones, putting together teams, getting communications out about ball conditioning camps and umpire/coaching clinics. If you have any questions and are interested in this position, please contact Angela directly at 780-472-9388 or
She will be more than willing to fill you in on this great position.
Publicity Director—After a year as the Publicity Director, I (Glenda), will be stepping down due to a move outside of the Community. I have had a great time learning new things about Hairsine Community and proud to have been able to help bring the newsletter back. I am sad to leave but due to my move, I have no choice. I hope that someone in the Community is willing to step up and take over this important position. I am responsible for updating the newsletter, making arrangements for printing and having it delivered. Other important factors of this position is to serve on the Executive Board once a month and to update the large signs at Kirkness Park and at Hairsine Park. I am also responsible for providing updates to our Website administrator for the Community's website.
Volunteer Director—This is a relatively new position and will involve someone that is able to make calls to have parents who have volunteered for various activities to be able to assist the Community in: delivering flyers, working the Casino, Clean up, various Community events (ex: Family Day Fun Day, Community Day in Sept, etc). Please contact Peter Moskaliuk for more information. This person will also sit in on the Executive meetings once a month.
Building Director– This position requires someone who is able to take over the matters of the building and future planning. They will be the primary to go for bids on Lawn Maintenance, Winter & Rink Maintenance and Janitorial Maintenance. Please contact Peter Moskaliuk for more information.
Secretary—The Executive Committee is in need of someone to take minutes, prepare and send out gather information and attend the monthly meetings. Please contact Peter Moskaliuk.