Take a deep breath... and hang on because your love life is about to change.
Dating today seems to be more complicated than ever before because we are overly influenced by technology. The media has given us a false sense of ourselves and who we can attract. The choices made available to us become illusory and we feel a sense of dispointment when our expectations aren't met. Whether single, never married, widowed, or divorced you are expected to know all the dating rules and when to apply them. They need to be successful at mastering one of the most complicated and emotionally draining areas of our lives without any guidance or mentoring. It doesn`t surprise me why singles are overwhelmed today.
DATE AND RELATIONSHIP COACHING: Coaching gives you realistic tools you can apply to everyday liviing. Coaching is personalized as everyone has different life experiences and goals. Coaching can be on the phone or in person and can include: professional matchmaking; flirting skills; social skills; dating tips; mock dating; image consulting; professional home organizing ; tailored individual sessions or a a pep-talk to ease the 1st date jitters. Email to set up a time for a free 20 minute session.
Coaching is best understood when you can relate to others. Here are some real dating experiences from clients who were successful and others who were not:
Disasters dates:
"She talked all night about her ex-husband and how horrible he was to her and everytime I tried to change the topic it some how always related to her horrible past relationships. I wanted to tell her I knew more about her ex than about her... I think she's still hung up on him and she has way too much baggage for me ...not calling her again!"
"Our inital phone conversation was short but good we met, he talked all about himself, what he did, had, knew and never really asked me anything about me then he mentioned things we could do together...I'll bet you Elizabeth, if you ask him what he knows about me he wouldn't be able to tell you. We were getting ready to leave when he saw a friend and forgot I was standing there, so I left. Hope he doesn't call"
"Initially I was attracted to him and he seemed interesting but then he kept asking question after question and I felt like I was in an interview and not a date. I did give him the benefit of the doubt, 1st date gitters, but when he started to challenge me on my opinions that was it. I didn't care anymore and I just wanted to leave...I was sure he wouldn't want to see me again and I was shocked when he asked me out again. I don't get it, what date was he on...at that point I didn't have the heart to say no but I'm really hoping he doesn't call"
Successful dates:
"We met for a glass of wine. I was nervous in the beginning but I found him easy to talk to and I felt like the conversation flowed...we talked about everything and it was nice because he seemed genuinely interested - the time just flew by...he isn't really my type but I was attracted to him. I felt a connection. I found I wanted to learn more about him and I hope he is feeling the same way. I'd like to see him again. It was nice to see him pick up the bill and walk me to my car. Chivalry still exists!"
"She looked great...I was about 10 minutes early so I was able to greet her when she arrived. We sat down and there was silence a bit but she broke the ice by saying something funny about 1st dates and then that was the beginning of a great conversation...she's very intelligent and I thought I might be intimidated, but I found I was even more attracted to her. I was enjoying her company and knew I wanted to see her again but I'm always timid of asking ladies out for a second date because you can never tell how they felt but I was confident that she would say yes and so I asked and she did...we are going out this weekend"
Real Connections - The Companion Search Professionals
Edmonton office: 780-453-1616 / Calgary office 403-252-8760
By email for more information