Elizabeth’s Dating Tips:
1. Keep it casual. Go for a coffee or a walk in a public place. Do not have someone pick you up at home, or go to his or her home on the first meeting.
2. Ensure you have ample time to get ready and are comfortable with your appearance. Be slightly early.
3. Leave your expectations of who you want this individual to be at home. That way, you will never be disappointed.
4. If you do not receive a phone call after the first meeting, do not hesitate to call back. Women in particular should not be afraid to take the next step.
5. Keep the conversation light and focus on interests, activities, family and career.
6. Do not discuss past relationships. Ever! Your private life is your private life.
7. Be respectful. If after the first meeting you decide this person is not for you, let them know in a kind and respectful manner. But do not go into long detail as to why this meeting is not working for you. Why it doesn't work for you is not the other's fault.
8. Men, pick up the tab. Equality in a relationship doesn’t start with the first bill. Chivalry exists.
9. Don't give up! If you have met a few people and haven't found that special person, don't despair. This will be one of the most important choices you will ever make in your life. In the meantime, enjoy the experience of getting to know others and learning how to manage a healthy relationship.
10. Keep your heart open to all possibilities. Stay in the moment. You may be pleasantly surprised.
11. Focus on your date, turn off your cell phone or pager. Be courteous!