Pilates Mat Teacher Training
Certification Program
January 4 - March 28, 2016 — 100 Hours
Cost: $950, ($850 for Integration clients of 4 months or longer.)
$300 minimum deposit due by December 15, 2015. Full payment due by January 4, 2016
12 person maximum, the minimum deposit will hold your place in the course
Other options:
Auditing—attend the full course, but don't write exam: $750
Anatomy Weekends only: $450
–GST is additional–
* all theory and anatomy classes are held at Integration Pilates Studio in Edmonton AB*

Class Schedule and Requirements
Prerequisites: intermediate/advanced level of Pilates
Previous teaching experience is great, especially if you plan to teach in the future. Serious students are also welcome to take the course to deepen their own personal practice.
This course is open to anyone who meets the prerequisite and has a desire to learn. Be aware that the local Pilates teaching market is quite full, so if you do plan to teach, it will be beneficial for you to have a plan in place considering
that information.
Course Outline:
1. Anatomy and Postural Assessment (20 Hours)
Two weekends - January 9 & 10 and
January 16 & 17
Saturdays and Sundays from 12:30 pm to 6:00 pm, with a 30 min break
Attending both weekends is mandatory unless you have taken a university-level anatomy course.
2. Participation & Observation - 30 Hours - on your own schedule - logging hours can start January 4 (Winter Session)
Students must participate in 2 mat classes per week (totaling 24 hours), one class at your own level, and one at a different level (a lower level – Level 1 or 2). (Mat classes included in your full course fee.) I require a log of the hours of participation. You must also observe at least 6 classes, but a maximum of 12 (if you choose) with a general summary of exercises done in the classes that you observe to be handed in. (These notes will be valuable to you later as a teacher, so I recommend keeping orderly and clear notes). These classes can be with any teacher, however I recommend that you take once a week with me. (worth 10%)
3. Theory - once a week - 3 hours x 12 weeks = 36 Hours
Fridays 5:30 – 8:30pm, January 8 – March 25 (note that March 25 is Good Friday)
We will be studying the Pilates exercises and the theory behind them as it relates to the classical repertoire, plus the Integration expanded repertoire including the use of roller, ball and resistance tools. We will also study the relation to injury prevention and rehabilitation, postural assessment, and teaching techniques / protocols, as well as lesson planning. Attendance and participation worth 10% – maximum of 2 classes missed to be able to take the course.
4. Practical Teaching
Before you are able to receive full certification, students must teach 8 hours of mat class material to a group of 4 or more (I recommend that you start these at the mid-point of the course), to be coordinated on your own. I will watch at least one of these classes and give feedback. Class plans and self-evaluation to be handed in. (worth 20%)
5. Exams
On Sunday, March 27 we will do written and practical exams (note this is Easter Sunday). The written portion of the exam (worth 30%) will take approx. 1.5 hours so you can either do it before your practical exam or stay afterward. The practical exam (also worth 30%) involves teaching a 45-minute class to students already versed in Pilates. I will give you a general outline of exercises I would like you to cover, and you can create your own flow and preparations for the exercises. Written feedback will be given.
Passing Grade is 65% for the whole course.
6. Study Materials
Required text: Anatomy of Movement by Blandine Calais-Germain, for the anatomy portion.
Recommended texts: Dynamic Alignment Through Imagery by Eric Franklin. The Pilates Body by Brooke Siler. I will also use segments of other texts — specifically The Stark Reality of Stretching by David Stark, and Anatomy of Pilates by the Physicalmind Institute, as well as The Trail Guide to the Body by Andrew Beil.
At the successful completion of this course you will be certified by Integration Pilates Studio, in an extensive matwork course covering traditional Matwork, Fitness Ball, Fitness Circle, Stability Roller, and Resistance Band (all small Pilates props). Tracy Stafford is a member of the Pilates Method Alliance, and a certified teacher through the PMA. For more info, or to become a member of the PMA, please refer to their website (www.pilatesmethodalliance.org)
Tracy Stafford, Instructor
Tracy has been practicing Pilates and Yoga since 1991 and has been teaching Pilates since 1997. She originally trained and certified in Pilates under Vivian Nickels at Body Matrix in Toronto, and has continued her training under various master teachers from around the world at numerous Pilates conferences and is certified by the Pilates Method Alliance. She has trained many teachers in Pilates’ full repertoire since 2004. In 2009 she received her certification in Vinyasa Yoga from YogaWorks. She continues to study many forms of body work, movement, and mindfulness practices, and has certifications in Gyrotonics, Thai Massage, Therapeutic Ball Release, Kettlebells, TRX, Bosu, and Stretch Therapy (Kit Laughlin). She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts Degree in Dance from York University and continues to dance, using Integration as her home base.