Credit Card Discounts - membership allows you to participate in substantial savings with one of the largest merchant processors in Canada with 31% of the market share.
Energy & Efficiency - developed to stabilize the pricing of electricity and natural gas during a time of volatility and market change. Also recognizes the need to help members manage and contain their energy costs.
Group Health Insurance - an employee benefit program that will give your business an edge in attracting and retaining quality staff. Provides attractive volume discounts to members and improved flexibility in structuring your own plan design.
Insurance - we recognize that access to affordable and comprehensive insurance is critical. We are presently investigating the development of a self-insurance program for AHLA members.
RRSP plan - we provide access to a dedicated team of financial consultants who will provide unbiased, professional counsel.
Scholarships - the AHLA offers scholarships at post secondary institutions around Alberta. Additional scholarships are also available to employees and family of the AHLA member properties.
Telephone - benefit from our buying power and experience with telecommunications services and providers. Includes low rates and rebates for 1+ calls, calling cards, prepaid phone cards and cellular services.